sandollar1977 Member


  • I visited with a nutritionist a few months ago and she highly recommends AVOIDING frozen dinners if possible. They are full of sodium and preservatives. Whether you are wanting to lose weight or not, its best to eat healthy....when you just can't bring yourself to make something, then choose items with the fewest…
  • A cheat day is ok as long as you have the ability to jump right back on track. If you can't handle the urge to cheat more than the one day, then maybe wait a bit longer before introducing the cheat-time back in to your diet. Or start out with 1 day a month or every 2 weeks and allow yourself a special meal or…
  • Wow! Our health can sure reach up and bite us, can't it!? Welcome to MFP!! I'm fairly new here as well but have found a huge amount of support if you are just willing to grab it! Good luck!!!
  • Wow thanks everyone! I truly need to see the words you all have spoken!
  • Welcome! I actually grew up in Gulf Shores! Was there 1979-1991. Home sweet home! I am still a fellow Alabamian....North Alabama here.
  • I have to say those are some good problems to have....I look forward to it
  • @kcelkins7272 - You are right. Now I just have to make the right choice.
  • @ctraill - You hit the nail right on the head! "I was like you for the longest time, I didn't really want to diet even though I knew I should lose some weight and I just kept telling myself that I was happy and it didn't matter. But it does matter and sometimes you have to force yourself to do what's best for your body.…