Problems After You've Reached Your Goal



  • I've been getting the "you're too skinny" comments. I haven't gotten those since high school and it is a nice problem to have. They don't believe it when I tell them that according to every sophisticated program I've tried, my ideal weight is 170-175. I don't intend to go there and it makes people crazy to consider me 10-15 pounds lighter.

    I get lot's of questions about how I did it and when I tell them I counted calories, many say they can't eat so little or starve themselves.

    My strategy is to then show them what I ate over the last few days. They then say that it's a lot of food but they don't have time or ability to cook. Then I tell them how I prepared dinner the night before(usually 15 minutes or less). After that I just get the blank stare. One person has followed me into it and has lost 16 lbs so far. Another has lost 10 but since it isn't the 2 lbs a week that I lost they are now going to do hcg against my warnings. It's my sister and we watched both my parents lose 40 lbs with hcg only to gain back 50.

    People in this society, myself included, have been spoiled to being able to push a button, pop a pill, or sign on the dotted line and have results delivered without further effort on their part. I don't fault anyone for these attitudes as I have shared them and understand their basis. I'm just grateful that I'm no longer in that mindset. I have MFpeeps to thank for that.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    still 76lbs from goal but im 134 down from where i once was and i'm always freezing. i drop a size once a month just about(started at a 32 and now am heading into 14 tops and 18 pants) my feet shrank a size and a half but my shoes are cute so i still wear them but they fall off, my rings are all huge so i wear them all as thumb and pointer rings (no need for wedding ring, im working on losing that 180lb dead weight of a need for the ring lol) my glasses wont stay on because my head shrank too, i am spending obscene amounts of money on clothes but i like them lol, i cant eat something without thinking about calories at all (case in point went out to a bar to celebrate, drink calories were calculated, but i felt myself getting a little too tipsy so i stared at the vending machine at the bar thinking about what i could have, quite a task tipsy lol) mentally i havent caught up to myself yet, my clothes all look too small when i hold them up but they fit and i can't quite get used to male attention. it's a whole new world for me.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    • Way too many clothes that don’t fit.
    Before losing weight this was a problem too but everything was too tight but at least you still had a couple of 'fat day' clothes. After you lose a lot of weight nothing fits you anymore and you look like Hobo even in your ‘fat day’ clothes. You have to buy a whole new wardrobe and that can get expensive. it.

    I CAN'T WAIT TO LOOK LIKE HOBO IN MY CLOTHES, Can't wait to go shopping!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I'm just starting my journey but wanted to thank you all for your comments. Looking forward to putting my wedding rings back on and then going to Wal-mart for the snuggies. Not looking forward to coworker questions about the "secret". I may have to make up a "secret" diet to appease them (and make me millions of $$ at the same time! :laugh: ) You are all a great inspiration.

    ps - already cold, guess it will be socks with sandals when I lose 55 pounds.
  • I wanted to add some advice. As for having to buy an all new wardrobe, yes thats something that we will all have to do. I have 70 lbs left to lose so I will put on a belt until I get to that goal weight. But for now I save back a little bit of money every week so that when I do get to that goal weight, shopping will be a joy instead of a breaking the bank. Also skinny clothes costs less! :)
  • sandollar1977
    sandollar1977 Posts: 10 Member
    I have to say those are some good problems to have....I look forward to it
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for this. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Eating out's become a sore point with my friends. Also, I just bought fancy new winter coats last year--preweight loss. Now that the weather had turned cold, I'm utterly miserable. All my coats are too loose and the cold air seeps in through my sleeves, collar, and underneath the coat. I'm having to wear so many layers! I think I need to buy stock in long johns. :cry: It's so un-sexy. Oh, and let's not even talk about all my sweet strappy high heels falling off 'cuz my ankles shrunk. :sad: I too broke to buy new coats and shoes!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    • It’s hard to get out of your routine.
    My exercise routine is what got me to my destination, but I’ve found it hard to deviate from it. I can take more time off from it now but I find it hard to do that and that’s a sign of insanity to me. If I don’t get my exercise in for the day there’s a part of my brain that yells at me to ‘just do it!’ even now that I’m just maintaining. If I go out for a night of fun it’s not as fun as it could be because of that insane little voice in my head critiquing me.

    I think that's my problem now, and it definitely will be an issue when I reach my goal. I think maintaining will be way harder than losing!

    Great post, thanks for the advice.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    People also tend to think that weight loss will fix problems they have. I can tell you right now, if you don't like yourself atleast a little when you're fat, you're not going to miracualously start loving yourself when you're thin. Sometimes there are other issues going on that need attention beyond just losing weight.

    Just something to think about.

    I agree 100%. People think that like is going to be perfect if they could just get "skinny". Nope, you're still gonna have bills, work, stress, etc. You'll just have to know how to handle it differently instead of stuffing yourself.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    hahaha! The being cold all the time part was something i wasn't expecting! I usually go surfing in PNW waters sans wetsuit and relish that I can be the only girl out there rockin' these waves in a bikini....but now I'm thinking I might not be able to do that anymore :( Darn!
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Love this post.
  • Problems after lose weight love me!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I am always cold- period. Which really stinks when you LOVE snowmobiling.......... (Thank you Under Armour Cold gear)

    Oh and I love the "keep a meal down, already" & "have a sandwich" comments also. I get them a lot, especially when I model. I chalk it up to ignorance in general.

    And buying new wardrobes for every season is a GOOD thing!!!!! lol
  • I can't weight to have these problems! Even though I haven't lost any weight yet, I'm still experiencing some....I've been a relatively healthy eater for years now, the problem is that I like desserts and don't exercise....and yet people still tell me I'm too picky of an eater and think I should eat more! I wonder how the comments will change after I meet my goal...
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm excited to have these problems. Except for the being cold thing. I absolutely hate being cold.
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