

  • im right here with you too! restarting...again lol x im going to be aware over xmas but im ot going to be 100% i know that too many good stuffa round then but from xmas i will be 100% and supportign eachother will hopefully help that! x
  • thanks so much every really helped me: x ive done great today stuck below my caloirs and done a workout:) xx thankyou all x
  • thanks everyone:) xx another thing im really worries about is leaving behind a load of loose skin...
  • thankyou:) x how much have you lost and how long? sam
  • omg can u lot add me who are doing this programme .. seriously i feel like such a failture which part do you do ive tried a few insanity programs and feel like im gona die after the 3 minute warm up!!lol the fit test omg i just cant keep up x i knwo the whole point is to get sweaty but jeezz. i can do the full pump it up…
  • its brill aint it!! x
  • woop :) he uk friends:) lol ok well im originally from newcastle but live in east yorkshire now x can u all add me:) xx hope your all doing well would love you to inbox me your stories so far x im onl 1 week new here so im just getting motivated and love the stories:) x
  • hi i made these this morning for breakfast just finished i used 1 whole banana i full egg and one egg white it made 3 pancakes my son had one i have 2 like 50 cal's! they were actually quite nice x i wouldnt think using just egg whites would make any difference x go for it:) xx
  • same here please add me people xxx
  • soooo does that mean if ive burned more than ive eaten i can have a mcdonalds?lol x
  • how much have you lose since last monday hun/?x and well done same x thats brill:) xx i think one fo my problem (maybe we all think it) i want results and fast!Lol you know i would love to lose 1 stone 14lbs by 8th december my sons 2nd birthday party.. is this do able?? xx
  • MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i love lo love love love channing!!lol
  • HAHAHAAHAH love this
  • hi all sorry just noticed all the replys wasnt sure where the thread was but im learning and found it!Lol wow 97lbloss that is brill x thanks everyone for the help and advice sent some friend requests out and would love to speak you you:) x ive had a few good day's:) to say what i was eating before and no excersice im now…
  • hi all hmm well my daily goal is 1640.. ive oly ate like 700cals today but im totally fine with that had a really late morning up at 11.30am and had a main dinner of over 500cals an snacks but also did over 700cals burnign with workouts so ive technically burnt off more than ive ate?? i mean thats good aint it? lol x add…
  • aw bless you we all have days liek that dont we! x how much have you lost/gained need to lose ect :) ive only been her 3 days so very new and ideally need to lose around 70lbs:( xx
  • my workout latley consisit on a workout dvd to music o dancing ect so i just put that on and do it x my problem is my almost 2 year old son!! lol he makes me laugh (as he laughs at me) if i doing sit up/crunches he tried to get onto my tummy lunges he tries to hug my legs!Lol now his nap time has become my workout time…
  • hi there:) hw long you been here and what u lost?
  • can people please ad me im new to this and will love any help support ect:)
  • wow amazing x:) well done x im new to this can people please add me for moral support advice ect:) thanks x
  • good luck today is my 1st day on here and ive had a brull day so far:) xx eat all day including happy meal for tea but done loads of cardio and training today x i need to lose like 60lb!lol :) x also i find it hard making food to fit into my day sam