mewzalard Member


  • lvl 2 day 8 done ...but modified. I've gone and got laryngitis - blurgh! I did alot of walking on Sunday. I don't feel so great right now either.
  • yay lvl 2 day 7 done - yay! after a day of walking/xmas shopping. but i'm getting sick :sick: i really hope i can keep on without a big break...
  • level 2 day 5 to do this evening. I sweat so much more with this level. the v-lift things hurt!
  • me too! It wasn't as well described as lvl 1. today is lvl2 D3 :)
  • Miriameam.... I started mine a week ago today. I spent about 2-3 hours after trembling on that first day. Day 2 and i had to use the banister to get up and down the stairs. Last nights shred (day 6) i found, 'good', not easy but I didn't feel like i was dying after 10 minutes. Do take that "before" picture! I really didn't…
  • How is everyone getting on? I had a day break after spending 3 hours doing christmas shopping on friday. did lvl1 D5 yesterday, and I'm about to do D6. It was easier yesterday and my muscles weren't very sore at all....had a quick look at Lvl 2 - yikes!
  • I did L1 D4 today, it felt a bit easier!
  • I weighed myself this morning - I've lost just short of 1lb since yesterday, which probably was also to do with diet...i think up till now i've been unintentionally staving myself! About to go and do day 3. With modified press-up as my wrist is hurting (old wrist issues flaring up).
  • I have been putting it as circuit training - general. I've done day 2 and lost .2lbs.... i'm trying to keep in mind i want to lose inches, as well as weight :smile: resisting getting the tape measure out for now :wink: :laugh:
  • I just did lvl 1 day 2! i hope i dont need to go upstairs for a while today - my legs are so sore! When have people started to see results? i'm seriously resisting the urge to measure myself :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • First post here! I just did Day 1 Level 1... i think i am a jelly!! I managed to get through it with only 5 very small breaks (3ish seconds) - quite proud of myself... though i expect i'll be cursing myself later! I did it with .5kg weights which is 2.2lbs total. Assumed that was what she meant by 2lb weights...not 2lb per…