

  • Well done. I am already type 2 Diabetic but I am learning from my mistakes and trying hard to find those last hidden sugars. I know for me those darn flour enriched pastas and rice are a killer. I am not changing those and substituting them with veggies. I am getting the same feeling of fill without the bad carbs. Thanks…
  • Well done. I am already type 2 Diabetic but I am learning from my mistakes and trying hard to find those last hidden sugars. I know for me those darn flour enriched pastas and rice are a killer. I am not changing those and substituting them with veggies. I am getting the same feeling of fill without the bad carbs. Thanks…
  • I understand that but I think for me I would just want to be polite about it. Again that is just me. I just would like to know.
  • Never used one but in my opinion...just being up front is a good policy I think. Not sure ignoring would make it go away. Just my 2 cents.
  • I actually started my training for my first 5K. I used that couch to 5K program as well. Although I did cheat some and ran during my rest times but for cross training I cycle so I figure anything to help with my breathing and endurance. Been at it for a little over 3 weeks now. I am in for this challenge if I can still…
  • Welcome back!
  • Hi Ashley...Glad to have you here. I am new as well. One step at a time is very key point. Not to much to took the body time to gain the weight it will take it time to lose it.
  • Thank you both!