Done 3 new leg exercises. No treadmill.
Yes i cooked a healthy food khichidi using rice and lentils. Walked 30min. And cardio 10min
I am doing walking. And cleaned d house.
Nice idea. Walking during commercials, i vl do this. I always take more than 8 glasses of water.
Done total of 60min walk without using vehicle to work and home. And did some pilates.
30min walk done. And house cleaned.
Ur painting is excellent. I cleaned my house and walkin 30min done.
I m walking to work and for shopping vth 4yr old instead of using any transport. Tried to move more in the classes when i m teaching. Todays challenge also finished. I m really motivated.
Thank u for ur support
I signed up but did not gave the group name. Wat should i do now?
60mins walk done
60mins walk done
Walked for more one hour.
I am in. Please add me
6k steps today. Really feeling good and motivated by this challenge. I am also a mom to 4yr old boy. Thank u somch to all.
3500steps. Just started today. Vl make up to 10k soon in few days.
Today only i saw this post. I m in.
Me too 5ft 5.5inch. 14lb lost. Another 40lb to go. Feel free to add me.
day 7, 8, 9, 10 done. could not log.
day 4, 5, 6 done.
day 3 done.
day 2 done.
thank u. day 1 done
my inlaws came. so i vl start on 3rd. my son's birth day tomorrow. so they came yesterday. they vl b in my home for 2 days. anyways good luck. but i m happy to do challenges vth u.
ceemaw, i m interested in flex and abs challenges. day 23, 24, 25 done.
feeling better. day 21 & 22 done. ceemaw: which challenge r u going to start next month. i want to participate.
day 20 done. welcome back ceemaw. i missed u. i was recovering from typhoid fever. today medicine course over. fever also not there but experiencing weakness.
i think it vl take 2 or 3 days to recover. good luck to both of u ceemaw and sivangj.