tashiaberman Member


  • Swimming is a good all-over body toning and aerobic exercise if you have a pool or a YMCA nearby. The water helps take some of the pressure off your joints while you exercise also. I personally find most types of aerobic and weight training exercises intensely boring also. My personal choice is high-intensity karate,…
  • I recommend the Somersize diet. We have a support group on Facebook that posts all the rules and offers online recipes, advice and support. The first time I did that diet I lost 28 lbs. I have heard from a lot of the ladies that they have remedied a lot of health issues by following this diet also. It basically is a…
  • Happy New Year everyone! Starting off the new year right this time and getting back on my Somersize diet program. Last time I lost 38 lbs. before the plateau and am hopeful to do so again. Last year was not a good one for me. Recovering from breast cancer, chemo, radiation, surgery and LOTS of steroids, then a back injury…
  • I gained over 60 lbs of unwanted belly fat after quitting smoking and going through menopause. I did low carb diets, low calorie diets and exercised 6 days per week with no luck, just continued gaining belly fat until my knees began to suffer and I was having trouble continuing my exercise. Finally, I found out about the…
  • To those of us with metabolic syndrome (weight retention around the middle, water retention, gaining or only maintaining when we are dieting and exercising, and all that goes with that) carbs are poison. They will kill you. Think of it as slow suicide. First comes the weight, then the high blood pressure, diabetes, heart…
  • I have struggled with my weight and finding the right combination of bioidentical hormone replacements and right diet for the past 6 years. I am finally fully menopausal and have only the occasional hot flash -- when I drink coffee -- but was still struggling with the weight. No matter how many calories I reduced, how much…
  • I went to the health food store and purchased high-potency B-complex, 400 mg magnesium and a sub-lingual 500 mcg B-12. Taking these in combination helped a lot with the anxiety and depression, especially the B12. Make sure it is sub-lingual (goes under the tongue) as stomach acid destroys B12. Another thing that helped was…
  • I saw an experiment done recently that was very telling. It was one of those man-in-the-street type experiments. They stopped a person and asked them to look in the mirror and describe what they saw. The descriptions they gave were quite self-critical. They thought they looked average or worse, thought they were too fat or…
  • My coworkers give me funny looks while offering cookies and cupcakes, candy and other treats too. I keep telling them I'm on a diet, but they don't seem to get it. Some of them are heavier than I am and others are so skinny it hurts to even look their way. Still it's MY diet, not theirs. It's MY health, not theirs. They…
  • Have you been checked for hypothyroidism? A slow thyroid, even "within normal range" but lower than optimal can cause you to pack on unwanted pounds. That is what I am battling, along with slowing metabolism due to age (54) and menopause, plus having quit smoking a few years ago. It's a wonder I don't weigh 400 lbs! Also,…
  • Are you still taking your maternity multivitamin? You should probably make sure too that you're not iron deficient. This can cause a lot of tiredness. After having my last child I thought I had developed asthma. I had never had breathing difficulties before and it came on gradually about 2 weeks after the baby was born. I…
  • It keeps you looking younger too! Way to go! Hope I can post similar pics in the future. I've been struggling for several years now and none of the diets + exercise have worked. I've even GAINED weight while dieting. I have FINALLY found something that is working and I'm sticking with it. Just don't let old habits creep…
  • If you are too tired and too busy to cook during the week, cook a big meal on the weekend and portion it out into plate-sized freezer containers for those evenings you are too busy to cook. Just pop it into the microwave to defrost and cook. No fuss, no muss -- dinner in a few minutes. If you prepare a big salad that can…
  • If I am home, I cook a big meal at dinner time and then eat leftovers for lunch the next day. If I am working and going to school, I tend to use a lot of frozen veggies. Real easy veggie recipe is to use brussel sprouts, asparagus, fresh green beans or potatoes and carrots, you can put any of these veggies into a quart bag…
  • I used to have a very similar problem with anxiety and it is difficult to make other people understand how you feel and that intellectually you know there is no "reason" for it, but it still happens. Have your doctor check your iron levels. I had been staving off my anxiety with high potentcy B-Complex vitamins, with added…
  • I just started with a group at work last week. It's great if you like to dance and have a group to work with. It kicks your butt, but the group is good to keep you going. There will always be somebody who can do the moves better and somebody who's tripping over their own feet, so it doesn't matter how good you are at the…
    in ZUMBA Comment by tashiaberman March 2013
  • I have been on a sodium restricted diet for the past 13 years due to a heart incident. It is nearly impossible to get low-sodium foods that are prepackaged. You almost have to cook from raw food, which is the most healthy way anyway. If you cook fresh or frozen vegetables and fresh meats, use lots of garlic, parsley,…
  • Roasted Butternut Squash Cubes: Peel and core a butternut squash and cut into 1-2" cubes. Put into a large storage bag and drizzle with olive oil, then give it all a good shake to coat the pieces. Sprinkle lots of cinnamon, a little salt and pepper and a couple teaspoons of brown sugar into bag and shake again to coat.…
  • Well if you had only one of the two you might have remained closer to your caloric goal for the day, but having both pushed you over by about 440 cal. Multiply that by 7 days and you'll be GAINING a pound per week instead of losing it. JUST by cutting out your ice cream and pop tart, you could be under your caloric goal…
  • "Bio-identical hormones. Not the horse hormones. The key is to find a practitioner who doesn't want to just fix your perimenopausal problems but actually restore your hormones to an ideal level. It is a lot of work. I started 6 months ago - just now starting to feel like myself again. Good luck! " Problem with that is that…
  • My journey into obesity began when I found myself pregnant at age 40. My normal weight before that was 120 lbs, even after having two children. After the last one, I developed a heart problem that made me be a couch potato for 6 - 8 weeks, on medication for a year and unable to breast feed. Instead of going back to my 120…
  • This severely dry skin, as well as weight gain, lack of energy, body aches and a host of other symptoms that can mimic menopause can be caused by hypothyroidism. It is estimated that many more people have it than are diagnosed.
  • I had a panel of metabolic tests ordered my my Osteopathic doctor (DO), who was helping me with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. This particular doctor was through a nationwide chain called Body Logic. Problem was that coverage is minimal for this testing when done for the purpose of "hormone replacement therapy"…
  • I have calculated the BMR on this site and the TDEE on the other site. It tells me my TDEE is 1880 (calories per day?) I was eating 1200 cal/day and exercising once to twice per week, as my schedule allows. I was afraid I might be eating too little, so for the past week I have upped it to 1300 cal/day. I have gained 2 lbs…
  • I understand the reason for it -- see link someone else posted here -- but doing it is another matter. By the time I finish exercising and put it into the food section and exercise section and it tells me how many more calories I'm supposed to eat, I've finished for that day and am ready to go to bed. I'm certainly not…
  • 3000 to 4000 iu per day of Vitamin D. I use the liquigel capsules and take it religiously every day. It really helps me get through those dark days of winter when I just wanted to crawl under the bed and hibernate until spring. I take other vitamins too, but the Vitamin D really helps with SAD.
  • It seems to be the prevailing wisdom that this is possible. However, when the BMR calculator tells me I should be eating 1200 calories/day to lose weight and I eat 1200 calories per day or a little less, but I don't lose weight. So it seems that it is not possible for everyone. I do exercise a little, but work full time…
  • My mother has been dieting and exercising for several years, just like me, with little good results. She recently began taking the green coffee bean extract and claims it is helping her lose weight. She says it actually works, but you can't go back to just eating anything you want and not exercising and expect results.
  • My mother is taking green tea or green coffee bean extract capsules and claims that it is actually helping her lose weight. I know she has been dieting for a long time with the same difficulty I have encountered, so she was surprised that it actually helped.