

  • It is upsetting knowing thats what he thought about you before but he was probably trying to compliment you and he didnt think about what he said would hurt you as mem can be insensitive at times! You are gorgeous though you have nothing to worry about!
  • people can be so creul! Ive never understood what people gain from being so unkind. Thankyou i wont give up it really helps talking about it
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011
  • Yes he is such a miserable idiot most of the time but he is so arrogant he doesnt care about anyone else feelings. I will try and use it as motivation just at first i was devastated as i was getting my confidence back! But thanks for your support and i will use to to become the person i want to be xx
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011
  • i wish i said this! But im never good with things like that i was more shocked and upset to say anything back lol
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011
  • I dont hate him i feel more sorry for him as his son dislikes him and thinks its my fault. But hes just an idiot most of the time who constantly puts people down but im just a sensitive person and at times i wish i was stronger
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011
  • All your support is amazing thankyou! This is exactly what i needed as ive been down for a few days now. All your lovely comments show me this world is full of wonderful people to!
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011
  • Thanks for the support its very kind of you guys. I tried to pretend he didnt say it but hes such an a hole and thinks im not good enough for his son so he tried to hit me where it hurts. He said it at a really bad time as i was beginning to become happy with myslef and accept myself but what he has said has really knocked…
    in sad Comment by aimeewa July 2011