


  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Yeesh. What a tool.

    So ... think about taking it as a challenge instead. Show that eejit who's who's strong, smart, and able to take control of her own destiny? That ought to shut him up but good. Plus, you're gonna feel amazing when you get there (but you already know that, right?). :)

    Stay the course. You can do this!
  • Gorger
    Gorger Posts: 100 Member
    Find an iphone or computer and download the app called TED and then dowload the motivational talk by Matt Cutts: "Try something new for 30 days."
    It made a difference in my life. He basically says that you can do anything in 30 days. It's really cool.
    If you eat no junk food you will look like me very quickly. It's easy to replace vegetables for junk food. For supper I eat mashed califlower (instead of mashed potatoes), instead of eating fried potatoes, I use turnips, bake them in the oven with lemon pepper on top (36 calories in a cup). All you have to do is eat no calorie food and walk every day instead of going to restaurants with your friends, walk. The best revenge is good living. Loose the weight and then call him fatty.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    If he ever says it again, your response should be : Fat is temporary, stupid is forever. I can diet. sorry about your luck.

    Love this! Perfect response. But I have a mouth on me too that is constantly getting me into trouble.
  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    If he ever says it again, your response should be : Fat is temporary, stupid is forever. I can diet. sorry about your luck.

    Love this! Perfect response. But I have a mouth on me too that is constantly getting me into trouble.

    i wish i said this! But im never good with things like that i was more shocked and upset to say anything back lol
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    awh im sorry about that some people can be pretty mean. I know how it feels to hear this. However when someone has done that to me i get sad at first then i turn it around and i get mad. But I use the anger to workout with. I know how people looked at me when i was skinny and I remember that and I keep thinking the look on there faces when I can strut my stuff again. lol I have been heavy all my life then lost 70 pounds and kept it off over 15 yrs and i remember how people treated me. People who never had anything to do with me all the sudden wanted to be my friend. lol Please use it for the good and think about what it is gonna be like when you are healthy not skinny per say but healthy. Good luck and dont give up.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    He sounds like my next door neighbor. All he is, is a grown up bully. He's miserable in his own life, so he tries to bring everybody around him down too. Rise above it, you are beautiful, and strong, and like the aboves have said, you can't fix stupid!
    Keep rockin' it sista!
  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    Yes he is such a miserable idiot most of the time but he is so arrogant he doesnt care about anyone else feelings. I will try and use it as motivation just at first i was devastated as i was getting my confidence back! But thanks for your support and i will use to to become the person i want to be xx
  • tkdgirl23
    tkdgirl23 Posts: 36
    What a douche! my father in law once said to me, Oh look she has two stomachs! in front of company on christmas! I was so embarrassed and completed felt like a fat pig. Hate him for how he made me feel and hated that I gave into meanness. He is a miserable lowely man and misery loves company.

    He can never say that to me again.. I wont let it happen, besides that my belly has gone way down.. I have gotten in shape, and he is alone, because of how awful he is to people. Dust him off your shoulders , he isn't worth your thoughts, or time.. He's a pathetic loser who would love nothing more then to get you feeling so bad about yourself you give up on a healthier you.

    So smile , and love the new and improved you , that you are working hard at! Sucks to be him!
  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    What a douche! my father in law once said to me, Oh look she has two stomachs! in front of company on christmas! I was so embarrassed and completed felt like a fat pig. Hate him for how he made me feel and hated that I gave into meanness. He is a miserable lowely man and misery loves company.

    He can never say that to me again.. I wont let it happen, besides that my belly has gone way down.. I have gotten in shape, and he is alone, because of how awful he is to people. Dust him off your shoulders , he isn't worth your thoughts, or time.. He's a pathetic loser who would love nothing more then to get you feeling so bad about yourself you give up on a healthier you.

    So smile , and love the new and improved you , that you are working hard at! Sucks to be him!

    people can be so creul! Ive never understood what people gain from being so unkind. Thankyou i wont give up it really helps talking about it
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Find an iphone or computer and download the app called TED and then dowload the motivational talk by Matt Cutts: "Try something new for 30 days."
    It made a difference in my life. He basically says that you can do anything in 30 days. It's really cool.
    If you eat no junk food you will look like me very quickly. It's easy to replace vegetables for junk food. For supper I eat mashed califlower (instead of mashed potatoes), instead of eating fried potatoes, I use turnips, bake them in the oven with lemon pepper on top (36 calories in a cup). All you have to do is eat no calorie food and walk every day instead of going to restaurants with your friends, walk. The best revenge is good living. Loose the weight and then call him fatty.

    Thanks for the reminder on the 30 changes. I remember hearing that long ago..that a person can do ANYTHING for 30 days and it becomes a habit. Good reminder for me.

    You mentioned this up above: "If you eat no junk food you will look like me very quickly" Is that a photo of you currently? I feel so sad and scared for you. Please take care Hon and glad you're here, so many inspiring wonderful members that truly care about one another:flowerforyou: :heart:

    ETA: oops misspelled something..:blushing:
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