

  • Were you craving sugar or chocolate or was it more of a, "oh i have cookies, I guess i'll eat them" kinda thing? I find that if I'm craving sweets, a piece of fruit or yogurt will satisfy that craving. My best friend just started on MFP a couple weeks ago, she had a really strong craving for chocolate....turns out she…
  • I lift almost every day, I just do a different muscle group each day. Monday is chest, Tuesday back, Wed legs etc...I'm starting to see results and its helping to motivate me. I did hit a little hiccup when I got sick for 2 weeks. I had been doing so good, was even up-ing my weights and feeling strong and healthy. Then I…
  • This is how I work out: 5 min cardio warm up, usually on a stationary bike. 60-90 mins of weight lifting...I work out with some body builder type guys, I just modify my weights a little bit to what works best for me. Then we do a minimum of 20 mins of cardio after the weights. Except on legs day. Legs are such a big muscle…
  • I'll tell yo uwhat I do for breakfast. I too am up before the sun and often have to eat and run, or bring breakfast to work with me. I have 2 choices and tend to go back and forth with: 1: Bowl of cereal (generally Special K or Crispix) with a scoop of protein powder (Dymatize Rich Chocolate flavor) and milk. The protein…