Scheduling Cardio & Strength Training

Really just getting started (again). For weight loss, what is the best way to schedule workouts? Is it cardio daily and strength training every other day? Or cardio & strength daily with strength focused on different muscle groups each time? For cardio I'm going to either walk, jump rope or use the rebounder. I want to just do body weight exercises for the strength training to begin with. But, just wondering how to lay it all out through the week.


  • This is how I work out: 5 min cardio warm up, usually on a stationary bike. 60-90 mins of weight lifting...I work out with some body builder type guys, I just modify my weights a little bit to what works best for me. Then we do a minimum of 20 mins of cardio after the weights. Except on legs day. Legs are such a big muscle group that if you do cardio after weights you're just going to eat away at the muscle. Also, make sure to get some protein in ya as quickly as possible after your work out. I also use a caffeine free pre-workout to help give me some energy and get me feeling a little more pumped. I've been doing this for about 3 months now, minus about a month when I was sick and holidays were thrown in there, and I feel great. I have more energy and get upset if I miss a workout! I go after work at least 4 days a week.

    Good luck! :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    You will get as many different opinions as there are members here! But what it really comes down to, what ever works in your schedule, so you get a proper balance of both.

    My schedule only allows me to do both, strength and cardio, on the same day. It works for me. Some people go for shorter more frequent schedule.

    Find a schedule that allows you to work both in, and have fun.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    You will get as many different opinions as there are members here! But what it really comes down to, what ever works in your schedule, so you get a proper balance of both.

    My schedule only allows me to do both, strength and cardio, on the same day. It works for me. Some people go for shorter more frequent schedule.

    Find a schedule that allows you to work both in, and have fun.

  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    You can set up your cardio and weightlifting schedule for whatever works best for you- as long as you follow some guidelines.

    1. Do NOT weight train every day. 3-4 times is ideal for most people.
    2. Take at least one day off per week of all hardcore excercise (both cardio and weight lifting) a walk, slow jog, a yoga class, etc are all fine to do on this day, but not anyhting strenuous. You need to let your muscles recover.
    3. Never do cardio before weight training in the same session- if you want to do both in the same gym session, always always lift first.
    4. How you schedule your weight lifting sessions depends on if you are doing a full body workout everyday or a split. If you are doing a split, you can feasbily train on back to back days. If you are doing full body, it's best to give your body a rest day from the weights inbetween lifting sessions.

    For a goal of weight loss, I think the best schedule would be something like:
    Day 1: 5 minute warmup, 30 minute-60 minute lifting session, 10 minute cardio cool down (or more if you like)
    Day 2: HIIT cardio for 20-40 minutes (time depends on difficulty)
    Day 3: REST or non-strenuous acticity like yoga, walking, slow jogging.
    Day 4: 5 minute warmup, 30 minute-60 minute lifting session, 10 minute cardio cool down (or more if you like)
    Day 5: Steady state cardio for 60 minutes
    Day 6: 5 minute warmup, 30 minute-60 minute lifting session, 10 minute cardio cool down (or more if you like)
    Day 7: Steady state cardio for 60 minutes or HIIT for 20-40 minutes (time depends on difficulty)
  • So helpful! Thanks! Keep up the good work!
  • I lift almost every day, I just do a different muscle group each day. Monday is chest, Tuesday back, Wed legs etc...I'm starting to see results and its helping to motivate me. I did hit a little hiccup when I got sick for 2 weeks. I had been doing so good, was even up-ing my weights and feeling strong and healthy. Then I get sick. In bed for 3 days straight, and really weak and tired for the remainder of those 2 weeks. When I did finally get back in the gym it was really frustrating. I had lost a lot of strength and my endurance was almost non-existent. A month later, i'm back on track and starting to see more definition. I noticed some tone in my arms 2 night many women have trouble toning their arms?? ;)