bens_goal Member


  • This does worry me, I cut so much junk food out (after I had quit smoking too). No more full-fat coke etc... But the one last vice I have is Pepsi Max... Now I dont drink litres of it a day, at the beginning of my diet it was like 2 cans... now its like a can every other day... But I do hear aspartame does cause severe…
  • Right on! If I go, I get my favourite, and just either try work it off soon as possible... .or just enjoy it and go back to the diet after!
  • I stuck with MFP religiously over a year ago, did over 20lb but then I moved house... had no kitchen, we lived off takeaway and microwave meals and I regained all the weight and then some!! But I decided to really go at it again, I reset my MFP, deleted all my old stats (so not to depress me), and started again. Even after…
  • Lots and lots of water... helps make the most of what your eating. But yes I think we all suffer from this..