Losing Weight At McDonalds



  • bens_goal
    bens_goal Posts: 4 Member
    If you're gonna do McDonald's, do it right.

    Quarter pounder with a side of chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake.

    Right on! If I go, I get my favourite, and just either try work it off soon as possible... .or just enjoy it and go back to the diet after!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I dont think many posters were recommending Mcdonalds 5 days a week,Victoria - but in moderation it can be ok and some options are better from a weight loss point of view than others - such as OP's suggestions.

    I drink diet coke now and then - couple of glasses a week,
    Cant say it makes me any hungrier than any other drink, including plain water.

    You do sound rather over zealous.
    She sounds hungry to me.

    Whatever. She can chill her blood somewhere in case stress makes it too acidic or something (is that the same as the acid cause rheumatoid arthritis crap that reckons the cure is to consume vinegar - another acid?). I'll eat what I wish when I choose to and not feel bad for somebody else's health. Or blood pressure.

    McDs are very calorie dense and use up a lot of an allowance very easily. Diet drinks aren't good for you, but if the alternative is something you don't like, then tough. If there comes a time when I really want a McMuffin or a quarter pounder then I am going to do it. And no amount of hysterical over breathing about cancer and blood pH is going to change that.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Does nobody care about all that fat?

    I do, I love fat.
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    Ewwwwwwwwwww processed food, what the hell is in the wraps though? Could be anything they put in it.

    Agreed - I don't let my children eat there as I want to know exactly what I'm feeding them.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    The quality of food is usually what turns people off not the nutrition necessarily. It'll have all the macro-nutrients for a person to function, but micro-nutrient wise would be deficient. If micro-nutrients are important to you then you probably don't eat a lot of processed foods. I have friends that work at places like that and they enjoy working there, but sometimes you hear things like "don't eat the chicken."
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    sorry but no. Nothing, Hungry Jacks, McDonalds or KFC serves is healthy everything has something bad or fake in it and they intenionally add salts and sugars which make you thirsty and thus you'll probably buy a drink.

    Personally i was a everyday partaker or one of the above 3, haven't had any of them in over 6 weeks now and feel better for it, don't even crave it anymore do yourself a favor and cut out one more bad thing out of the equation hit a Subway if you must atleast there you can see them making it and the salad ingredients are there for your viewing
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Nothing, Hungry Jacks, McDonalds or KFC serves is healthy

    This is absolute nonsense of the highest degree.
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not suggesting hysterical over-breathing about blood pH or cancer, just pointing out to the poster who mentioned that they ate at McDonalds 5 days a week, several times a day, that while their physical appearance has changed (they restricted calories and lost weight), the inside of their body is literally toxic because of what they are choosing to consume.

    Also if you cannot control your cravings from high calorie, high fat, high sodium processed foods, then you have a much bigger problem my friend. The fast food corporations have won and they have hooked you on the idea that "if you want it, you should have it now, even if I know better". That is the appeal of fast food and you have bought right into it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you eat McDonalds five days a week, your insides will be a ****show no matter what you might think. Your body will be acidic instead of alkaline, and you may as well buy yourself a casket now because cancer cells love to grow in acidic environments. Cheers everyone.

    Oh and p.s. - diet coke is one of the worst things you could possibly ingest - more than containing aspartame and a million other ingredients you wouldn't give to your worst enemy, it actually stimulates the hunger region in the brain, which could cause you to eat more than if you had just drank water. So it literally does you no good whatsoever.

    That's interesting because my during my last physical I had a blood pH of 7.41, despite the fact that I have McD's or Taco Bell damn near every day. Sometimes on the same day, like today.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm not suggesting hysterical over-breathing about blood pH or cancer, just pointing out to the poster who mentioned that they ate at McDonalds 5 days a week, several times a day, that while their physical appearance has changed (they restricted calories and lost weight), the inside of their body is literally toxic because of what they are choosing to consume.

    The inside of my body is literally toxic? Maybe I should do a cleanse.
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    That would probably be a good idea. You should try to find someone qualified to determine your toxicity levels and then start detoxifying whatever organs are the most inhibited from natural function by toxins in your environment/diet.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You should try to find someone qualified to determine your toxicity levels and then start detoxifying whatever organs are the most inhibited from natural function by toxins in your environment/diet.

    Oh, I see. What kind of person is qualified to determine my toxicity level?
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    There are some doctors who are interested in more natural and organic means of regulating body health, so you might begin by talking to your doctor or searching online for doctors in your area that can administer a toxicity test. Once you have your results, there are many ways in which you can begin detoxifying various organs - the liver, the skin, the kidneys (and so on). There are natural (read: food-based) methods of detoxifying and there are other systems which use various vitamins or other synthesized means of detoxifying;you have to determine what's right for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There are some doctors who are interested in more natural and organic means of regulating body health, so you might begin by talking to your doctor or searching online for doctors in your area that can administer a toxicity test. Once you have your results, there are many ways in which you can begin detoxifying various organs - the liver, the skin, the kidneys (and so on). There are natural (read: food-based) methods of detoxifying and there are other systems which use various vitamins or other synthesized means of detoxifying;you have to determine what's right for you.

    What is a "toxicity test"? What do they test for, specifically? Which value do you expect me to be off on?

    I've had rather thorough blood tests in the past, and all my organs are functioning normally. Thyroid, liver, kidney, CBCs, etc are all within normal levels. My body is at a normal pH.

    Which toxins do you think I have?
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    There are some doctors who are interested in more natural and organic means of regulating body health, so you might begin by talking to your doctor or searching online for doctors in your area that can administer a toxicity test. Once you have your results, there are many ways in which you can begin detoxifying various organs - the liver, the skin, the kidneys (and so on). There are natural (read: food-based) methods of detoxifying and there are other systems which use various vitamins or other synthesized means of detoxifying;you have to determine what's right for you.

    What is a "toxicity test"? What do they test for, specifically? Which value do you expect me to be off on?

    I've had rather thorough blood tests in the past, and all my organs are functioning normally. Thyroid, liver, kidney, CBCs, etc are all within normal levels. My body is at a normal pH.

    Which toxins do you think I have?
    I think you scared them away. :smile:
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    to be honest i am not gonna torture myself staring at what i cant have so i just dont go to mcdonalds unless i have planned to
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    When I talked about getting toxicity tests, I wasn't directing them at you specifically. You brought it upon yourself to insinuate that your diet could have made you toxic. Whether you were being sarcastic or an *kitten* is none of my concern, I was merely suggesting an area of further inquiry for you, that's all.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    When I talked about getting toxicity tests, I wasn't directing them at you specifically. You brought it upon yourself to insinuate that your diet could have made you toxic. Whether you were being sarcastic or an *kitten* is none of my concern, I was merely suggesting an area of further inquiry for you, that's all.

    You said:

    "If you eat McDonalds five days a week, your insides will be a ****show no matter what you might think. Your body will be acidic instead of alkaline, and you may as well buy yourself a casket now"

    "the poster who mentioned that they ate at McDonalds 5 days a week, several times a day, that while their physical appearance has changed (they restricted calories and lost weight), the inside of their body is literally toxic"

    I eat McD's and Taco Bell 5+ times a week, so you are literally talking to me.

    You literally said my body is "acidic" and that the inside of my body "is literally toxic."

    So, please. Tell me what toxins I have, and what you mean by "acidic."
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    When I talked about getting toxicity tests, I wasn't directing them at you specifically. You brought it upon yourself to insinuate that your diet could have made you toxic. Whether you were being sarcastic or an *kitten* is none of my concern, I was merely suggesting an area of further inquiry for you, that's all.

    You said:

    "If you eat McDonalds five days a week, your insides will be a ****show no matter what you might think. Your body will be acidic instead of alkaline, and you may as well buy yourself a casket now"

    "the poster who mentioned that they ate at McDonalds 5 days a week, several times a day, that while their physical appearance has changed (they restricted calories and lost weight), the inside of their body is literally toxic"

    I eat McD's and Taco Bell 5+ times a week, so you are literally talking to me.

    You literally said my body is "acidic" and that the inside of my body "is literally toxic."

    So, please. Tell me what toxins I have, and what you mean by "acidic."

    It means your pH is probably quite low. Which is likely on a diet like yours, whixh , makes you more vulnerable to illness. PS ive got a great Layne Norton quote that rips diets like yours to shreds. And he's one of your IIFYM gurus!

    Edit: will post when at a computer
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    When I talked about getting toxicity tests, I wasn't directing them at you specifically. You brought it upon yourself to insinuate that your diet could have made you toxic. Whether you were being sarcastic or an *kitten* is none of my concern, I was merely suggesting an area of further inquiry for you, that's all.

    You said:

    "If you eat McDonalds five days a week, your insides will be a ****show no matter what you might think. Your body will be acidic instead of alkaline, and you may as well buy yourself a casket now"

    "the poster who mentioned that they ate at McDonalds 5 days a week, several times a day, that while their physical appearance has changed (they restricted calories and lost weight), the inside of their body is literally toxic"

    I eat McD's and Taco Bell 5+ times a week, so you are literally talking to me.

    You literally said my body is "acidic" and that the inside of my body "is literally toxic."

    So, please. Tell me what toxins I have, and what you mean by "acidic."

    It means your pH is probably quite low. Which is likely on a diet like yours, whixh , makes you more vulnerable to illness. PS ive got a great Layne Norton quote that rips diets like yours to shreds. And he's one of your IIFYM gurus!

    Edit: will post when at a computer

    Last blood test pH was 7.41.

    I don't think I've ever referenced Layne Norton as a "guru," or any other similar word. I don't think I've ever referenced Norton on this forum at all, so be careful who you decide my "gurus" are.

    Anyway, I wonder if this is the quote you're talking about:
    "I think you need to hit a certain amount of protein/carb/fat/fiber intake. if you do that, the food sources you choose are quite insignificant."

    Or this one:
    "Can you tell I think the labels ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ are asinine? Many coaches will try to sell you on the fact that their are ‘magic foods’ but they are basically full of crap and use that as a ploy to rope people in to buying their services."