

  • Well yesterday I did my weekly shopping and have everything ready for all my meals. I will start logging my food now. I made it public in case you want to check what I am eating. For sure no more chocolate or cocktails.
  • Thank you baby, I know you are strong also, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, and we are a bunch of strong women. LOL:laugh:
  • I have not posted for a couple of days, but I have been busy setting everything up for Monday... I have listen to the CD's, done all the quizzes, tweaked the menu to my liking (don't like tofu) and made my grocery list for tomorrow, so I will be ready Monday! I am all pumped up!.
  • This week is all going to be about mindset, I have been listening to cd's and doing some soul searching, what triggers what, the landmines I want to avoid and the buried treasure is so I can leverage that for success. The landmines are toxic foods, toxic relationships, toxic situations, my stressful situations, my toxic…
  • @eveleen99 Name a disease we have today that we didn't have 100 years ago. Check the statistics on heart disease, diabetic, cancer and all the problems with the children diseases, and you will see that 60 or 50 years ago existed but not like now. Now think when was introduce all the modern food packaging, convenient,…
  • I am here because I want to lose weight, I like comfort food, but once in a while when I start feeling not so good, sluggish then I do a detox and go back to eating more vegetables and fruits instead of breads and cookies. My mother pass when she was 99 years old, so I have good genes from both sides, my grandmother on…
  • Referring to age, I have been detoxing for over 40 years, when I was in my 30s I did the Master Cleanse (that's the one you only drink a lemonade w/ cayenne pepper and pure maple syrup) for 8 days and I was working at that time and the energy I had was amazing, but I never did that one again it was hard to do it. But since…
  • I do detox once in a while, and I have been doing for many years, as a matter of fact I just finish one. I lost 4.5 lbs in 4 days, mostly water that keep waking me up every 2 hours, but I did it with juicing vegetables and fruits, with Drew Canole system of 5 days Detox. And I can tell you the reason I did it, because I…