BattlingMaxo Member


  • it's unrealistic to think he gain gain muscle without gaining fat He has to be dedicated to his diet and training and consistent in both. Buy a scale and tape measure, If he is gaining too much around the belly lower the cals, if after a few weeks he gains nothing add more cals The goal is to keep fat to a minimum. I have…
  • When i was bulking (to add muscle) I was at 2700 cal a day, now that I am cutting I slowly cut about 200 cals every fews weeks always monitoring my progress, now I am at 1600 a day. I eat 6 times a day to give my body a steady stream of nutrients. On my first cut I got down to about 6.2 to 7 % BF witha 29 3/4 waist, then…
  • When I first started working out 2 years ago I was a bit flabby but only about 17% BF I got super ripped by eating 500 cal deficit to about 6.2 % BF but I was a bit tubular so I started a bulk I kept adding about 10% more cal keeping my macros at 40 40 20 as soon as I stopped gaining weight over a few weeks I added another…
  • I have not read all of the posts but hopefully this advice will help you. First off I think you need to eat more About 10% less than your TDEEs , don't starve yourself or you will lose too much muscle. Lifting weights helps keeps you from losing too much muscle. Good luck
  • here is how I got ripped to the bone, it's no real secret I eat less than my TDEES and I lose weight, (on the net you can find what your TDEE s are) Though after a while my body stopped losing fat, which means for my new body weight I was eating too much, So I did a little more cardio ( all cardio does is allow you to eat…
  • Not broscience, Dr. Nick Evans, a bodybuilder, orthopedic surgeon, had a fitness column in a bodybuilding magazine for over 10 years and works with bodybuilders says there are 3 types of Bodies in his latest book "Men's Body Sculpting" I tend to go with people who go to school and get degrees over the average person. Check…
  • Why are we even discussing this? Of course there are different body types, many pros know this. It's also important to know becasue an Ectomorph should have a different training and dieting routine than a endomorph,
  • I think body sculpting always goes with weight loss You need to lift weights to protect muscle from being lost when you are on a diet Ask livestrong that since you like them see if they agree ( they have to agree, it's true) . i am just trying to be helpful. I think weight loss is the easy part Just eat less than your…
  • If you are looking to gain muscle and I assume you are an ectomorph (skinny guy) First you need to workout with weights, If you want to gain mass Workout heavy as hell and to failure. Work up to heavy weights slowly. (don't forget warmup sets to avoid injuries)You will need proper nuitrition as well or you can't grow set…
  • Eating several meals a day can keep a person form getting hungry. This is not new I am just trying to help people and losing weight and body sculpting go hand in hand. If you guys want to ignore go right ahead. I know of very over weight people that got ripped doing this
  • No, I e-mailed him and he said same goes for women. it's amazing that people give opinions and don't have a clue. The blind leading the blind. I don't make things up nor do I give my opinion. I get facts. To loose weight you need to do those things I mentioned before. it's true eveyone is a bit different but following…
  • One is Dr. Nick Evans book "Men's body Sculpting" he has been Bodybuilding over 20 years and had a fitness column over 10 years. This is what he says. a pro who works with body builders.
  • I am sure many will not agree but here is what Dr Nick says Best time of day to lose fat is morning and unless you a medical problem you need to work out on an empty stomach. In the morning your body is starved for energy, You will burn up to 3 times as much body fat. This is for someone getting cut.
  • Several people say eating 6 times a day is wrong, but it is from a doctor who is a bodybuilder, It's what most bodybuilders do and working out with weights is a must because depending on genetics a person dieting will lose about 20 to 25 % muscle. If you want to say it is wrong show me the scientific studies that say that.…
  • You need to eat 6 times a day, It's important to get you cut. By keeping your stomach full you will lose weight. Each time you eat you jack your metabolism. Make no mistake you need to eat small amounts each time. Set your Macros to 50 % protein 40% complex carbs and 10% fats DO NOT STARVE yourself eat a minimum of 10%…
  • I thought DXA scans for athletes why waste the money? Your mirror tells all. BM
  • Don't feel guilty but of course I try not to go ove my maintenance, but i did have a small piece of apple pie (only for the holiday ) All that sugar is gotta be bad, even though i feel guilty about that
  • No, it's lb of body weight, not body mass and you can go as high a s 1.5 grams per body weight, any more than that is a waste BM
  • the general rule is you need 1 gram of protein for every lb, so if someone is 150lbs you need at least 150 grams of protein. If you are on a cut your macros (macronutrients) should be set to 50-40-10 meaning 50% of your cal should be protein, 40 % cal should be complex carbs, and 10% should be fats. if you go at least…
  • i use the elliptical, it burns more cal per minute than treadmill because you are using arms and legs, But if you prefer any cardio machine is good, keeping it up is important BM