darkmstf Member


  • Oh welcome to my world! LOVE Isa! I'll friend you! You made the best decision ever! Truly. Linked with Isa almost 2 years ago and haven't looked back since! Dropped the 25 pounds I couldn't seem to budge, haven't gained it back and feel awesome!!!
  • The 9 day system is what I actually started with last year. 5 days in and I was ordering a 30 day system. It worked for ME. I am still using the products a year later for maintenance (I lost the 25 lbs. I was looking to dump). 9 day is ROUGH THO. It's really made more for those who only need to shed 10 lbs. or so and are…
  • FWIW I LOVE Isagenix and am a firm believer in its products and what it can do for the body. Do your own due diligence -- read up on the studies and make your own informed opinion. I did. Trust me -- I am a neurotic when it comes to pulling products and systems apart. Cleanse for Life is more than your ordinary "cleanse"…
  • Congratulations! You're going to do awesome! I love isagenix. Best investment I ever made! Total lifestyle changer for me! I tried other methods to lose weight and they just did not work for me. But Isa does!
  • I can't say why someone would do that... i am an Isagenix associate and product user and of course think it's the best of the best on the planet... HOWEVER, I never would roll my eyes at someone who was using a different method to lose weight. I always share what I am doing, but am always willing to listen and lend a…
    in Isagenix Comment by darkmstf April 2014
  • I find that egg whites, with some tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach and/or feta in a whole wheat wrap tends to be pretty filling. If you don't have the tomatoes/mushrooms, etc. to toss in, just keep a jar of salsa handy -- that usually does well in a pinch! And it's all super fast/easy to make. Takes only about 5 minutes tops.…
  • Funny ... yesterday I went out to lunch with a few of the girls here at work. Our bosses gave us a gift certificate for an awesome restaurant. For the $$$ the place cost I said "to heck with it, I'm eating whatever I want". Anyway, we ordered a few appetizers to share amongst us ... and a main course ... and even went for…