

  • If you look online, there are plenty of "skinny" recipe versions of chinese take out. My favorites are skinny orange chicken or skinny general tsao. Good luck
  • Thank you for your reply! I knew there had to be more of us. I totally understand what you mean. I don't hate my body and I get compliments on it, but I feel very meh.I think what bothers me is that people have always described me as "curvy" and "healthy" and "not fat, but not skinny". And depending on what I wear I can…
  • Thank you! Sorry, I did leave out some information. I'm a 22 year old female. Your advice definitely helps. Even though I'm young, I still like to stay away from processed foods and sodas because I want to take care of my body. I love my shape, I do! I don't want to change that (not that I have a choice) but I want to be a…
  • Thanks for the advice. I did not gain muscle because I ate at a calorie deficit. While I want to gain muscle eventually, I want to focus on losing fat first. I know the number on the scale doesn't matter but I feel I could lose some of the fat. I've always embraced my curves, but I don't think it means not trying to…