

  • My food diary is full of terrible choices but at least I'm logging it down and making an effort to do a little better each day... I don't feel its my place to do anything on here but help motivate and encourage my MFP friends. I'm not going to monitor your meals if you don't monitor mine!
  • Well, I have about 40 to lose so all motivational help is great!
  • I use the Nature Space app on my smartphone, lots of different sounds. I also have a fan!
  • No, I still have facebook and can't see ever deleting mine. Between shift work and a chronic illness it is a great way for me to keep in touch with family and friends. I don't deal in drama, so I don't participate in the drama that sometimes arises in my feed... Have a great day!
  • Merry Meet to all, My name is Liza (mrsklt99). I am a eclectic/wiccan "partially" solitary practitioner mainly drawn to the Goddesses but acknowledge the Gods. I say "partially" solitary because I live in South Texas and the nearest group I have found to gather with is over 2 hours from me in San Antonio. I'm 43, married…
  • Great job! And I agree definitely took the years off of you... Your B/A could pass for two different people like a father and son photo!
  • Welcome! I'm new here as well. So far I'm loving MFP!