DutchFrancis Member


  • Wow, amazing job, you look awesome! Very inspirational for me too, right now I'm just about where you started and I hope to reach 150 too so I hope I will be able to be just as succesfull as you.
  • WOW... Aweslome job and Véry inspiring!
  • NVS = non scale victory. So yes, of cours yours counts too, congrats!!
  • Congratulations Ghette, I can just emagine how happy that made you. :D I'm thrilled too 'cause I just had my very first NSV! (started losing weight 4 weeks ago now) My jeans were getting more and more 'baggy-style' and since that's not really my style and I had to pull up my pants just about ever other few minutes, I just…
  • Great Job! Toning up would even go much better if you hit the weights first and thán the treadmill and rowingmachine. That way you use your 'fast energy' (carbs) for the weightbuilding (for that you need fast energy and you don't want your body to lóse musscle weight). Than after you've used up your carbs, you hit the…
  • If you don't like to eat veggies with your diner or fruit like it is, you could try Green Smoothies (I've added a few recepies already in the database). You make them with fresh fruit and some raw leaf-vegetables (lettuce, spinac, celery or any other green leaf-vegetable) in a blender with some water and you'll have a…
  • Wow, That's not a Semi-Succes at all, that's a Total and Full Big Huge Succes and accomplishment! Don't sell yourself short, you did an awesome job already! You will nail those last pounds just as succesful, I'm sure.
  • Already added 'mucking stables' to the exercise-database, but maybe other horse-people find other usable barn-workouts on this website as well: http://www.discoverhorses.com/all-about-horses/counting-calories-at-the-barn/
  • Thanks Lisa, I'm also very happy to be here and thankful that you sent me the link. Just getting that right mindset was already such an imortant step for me. Between the two larder periods of dieting I also made some sorry attempts, lost a few kilo's but once I stopped, gained them right back. Last year when I started the…
  • Hello Amidale, I'm pretty new here myself, just in my second week but I already love MFP, logging the food really makes you consider before you eat something bad. Just start using it an look around. You'll be spending a lot of time here at first (at least I did) but the more you get used to everything and find your way…
  • Wow, what an amazing results here! I'm 5'8 and just joined MFP about a week ago. My SW was 106 kg (233.7 lbs) and I set my GW at 75 kg (163.1 lbs) 'cause I thought that would be a hard enough goal. I've been 69 kg (152.1 lbs) about 15 years ago but couldn't maintain that very long. But now I see all those awesome results…
  • Wow, you look stunning and are a true inspiration to others! What an awesome job!!
  • OH WOW!! You look AWESOME!! And what a great accomplishment! And what an inspiration you are too! I have to lose almost the weight you've lost and my goal is what you weigh now... I can only hope and pray that I will look hálf as good as you do once I've reached my goal.
  • Hoi!!! Dutch too and just started! Not using Sonja or anything else (did Montignac about 15 years ago, lost 30 kg, gained it all and than some, used South Beach 6 or 7 years ago, lost 20 kg., gained it all), just logging what I eat for now, trying to stay low on carbs 'cause I know I'm doing well with that (I'm tending to…
  • Oh my word, you sweet woman, you're NOT pathetic and please don't beat yourself up or feel ashamed over all of this!! It's a heartbreaking story and it's NOT a shame you had a hard time dealing with your sisters death. I think you're very brave writing down this story and even braver to have asked for professional help.…
  • Hi Wessecg, I'm 5'8 and in the picture with my Paintmare I weigh about 70 kg. That was very hard to maintain for me, I've been 69 kg for a few weeks but couldn't stay below 70. In my slim period I've fluctuated around 72 kg. I'm 45 now and I honestly don't think it's a realistic goal to want to reach 70 again. I'm aiming…
  • Hi there, can I join? My name is Francis, I'm from the Netherlands and just joined MFP 4 days ago. First just to check it out and log what I'm eating while I'm not dieting but within two day's I'm already watching what I eat 'cause I don't want to log 'bad foods'. So I guess it's working already! :D And that's a good thing…