

  • I've seen the word floating around, but I have no idea. haha I'll check it out right now. Thank you!
  • You all are amazing. I read every single message. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I apologize for disappearing.. real life issues, some more binge eating. A part of my life is unraveling and I resorted to the emotional eating again. But I'm done! It really has made me feel even worse than I already do. On a brighter note I finished…
  • Thanks, new-tabbed the post to read! I've decided to keep the Dove squares, little Snickers and such in the freezer for moments like that. Because I know when I do get the chance to eat something "bad" I'll go insane. Like ordering Dominos chicken, parm bread bites and 2 lava cakes, then finishing them all myself crazy.…
  • Very true! I think so. I typically don't feel hungry during the day. Other than the exercise I'm pretty sedentary. A few months ago I moved in with my grandparents for various reasons, and they NEVER have anything processed or junk-y here. So disappointing at first lol, but it's actually good for me to learn to live…
  • Hello Kimberlee! Journaling sounds like a wonderful plan. I think it would make me take the time to think about what I'm eating before I do it too. I know a lot of it is emotional, but I'm also guilty of feeling like I need a food to eat with a tv show or movie (every time). Thank you for the ideas!! I LOVE that quote.…
  • hahah, hi Gemma! I fought off the temptation to finish off the rest of the chocolate I have so tomorrow I have nothing to be enticed with. Talk about counter productive.. I'll have to go out and get me a measuring tape. I weighed myself in the morning before breakfast, after going to the bathroom, but nontheless I'm…
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