I want to give up.

Weight starting - 194
Current - 192

The heaviest I actually have ever been was 240, but that doesn't count because I was pregnant! Right? Lol

My son is 4 months old now, so I decided I no longer had an excuse not to exercise again. I have about 40-50lbs to lose depending on when I'm happy with my body.

Almost every single day I did 40-60 minutes of cardio and/or circuit training. I watched what I ate. I took my boy on walks all the time.

I weighed myself once a week even though I wanted to everyday. I actually went down to 190 (JOY!) and when I weighed myself again this week it was up again!! After all that work I got completely demotivated.

Yesterday I didn't even exercise and ate almost every bad thing I could get my hands on. Today, the same. Another bag of white chocolate pretzels, snickers, dove chocolates, saltines and cheese, etc. Pretty much nothing good for me!

I want to give up, especially since I just spent two days binge eating and feel as though I ruined all that work and probably gained those final few pounds back again only to end up where I started.

So here I am trying to take the better, healthier route and NOT give up. I don't think I'll be weighing myself as much anymore. Instead I'm going to focus on how much better exercising and eating right made me feel, and hopefully the weight will follow.

That was unintentionally long :p Anyway, helloo. Just wanted to introduce myself, hopefully get a little motivation and hear from other people about their story.

Edit: Logged my food today, plus the hour walk and I'm -800. Eek. :(


  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Hi, firstly PUT DOWN THE CHOCOLATE haha! Okay so now that we've got that out of the way.

    Don't give up because of a small set back, you need to focus on what you really want, which I assume is to be fit and healthy for your son and to look and feel great for yourself.

    Know that your weight on the scales can fluctuate ALOT from day-to-day and depending on the time of the day. You could be retaining water. Ideally you should weigh yourself in the morning, after going to the bathroom, before eating and without clothing. It may be a better option for you to weigh yourself less frequently if fluctuation will cause you to lose motivation. Also you should start taking measurments with a tape measure because sometimes your weight is not an accurate reflection of your progress.

    Your approach of just focusing on the way you feel sounds like a good plan.

    If you need support, feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm Gemma, 26 from Australia :smile:
  • isabel88g
    isabel88g Posts: 77 Member
    If I were you I wouldnt give up,

    I've wanted to give up this week also, ate 1200 cals a day, exercised almost an hour each day, and somehow gained 3 lbs. Losing weight is frustrating and it's not easy.

    You are going to have temptations and you just need to have the willpower not to eat the bad stuff.

    The way I see it is, is it worth being unhealthy just because it seems hard, no it's not.. My health is more important than that bag of chips or that chocolate bar.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Don't give up!! We all have days when we slip up. You realized what you did and reached out for help. We are here for you. Don't wait to start tomorrow, start today and eat healthy. Get those unhealthy foods out of your house and that will help. Try to figure out why you started binging yesterday. I would suggest journaling your feelings and thoughts before you eat anything so you can evaluate why you are eating. You can do this. You've done it before and you really can do it again. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
  • DON'T GIVE UP! I have countless times. Then, my friend gave me a poster that said "If you're tired of starting over, don't give up."
    I'm only a few weeks in but my boyfriend can tell a difference even though I can't. You only live once and it gets so much harder to lose as we get older. Do it for your family. A healthy mom is a happy mom. Cheers! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Hi, firstly PUT DOWN THE CHOCOLATE haha! Okay so now that we've got that out of the way.

    Don't give up because of a small set back, you need to focus on what you really want, which I assume is to be fit and healthy for your son and to look and feel great for yourself.

    Know that your weight on the scales can fluctuate ALOT from day-to-day and depending on the time of the day. You could be retaining water. Ideally you should weigh yourself in the morning, after going to the bathroom, before eating and without clothing. It may be a better option for you to weigh yourself less frequently if fluctuation will cause you to lose motivation. Also you should start taking measurments with a tape measure because sometimes your weight is not an accurate reflection of your progress.

    Your approach of just focusing on the way you feel sounds like a good plan.

    If you need support, feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm Gemma, 26 from Australia :smile:

    hahah, hi Gemma! I fought off the temptation to finish off the rest of the chocolate I have so tomorrow I have nothing to be enticed with. Talk about counter productive.. I'll have to go out and get me a measuring tape. I weighed myself in the morning before breakfast, after going to the bathroom, but nontheless I'm starting to hate scales. Thank you very much for your advice. :D

    If I were you I wouldnt give up,

    I've wanted to give up this week also, ate 1200 cals a day, exercised almost an hour each day, and somehow gained 3 lbs. Losing weight is frustrating and it's not easy.

    You are going to have temptations and you just need to have the willpower not to eat the bad stuff.

    The way I see it is, is it worth being unhealthy just because it seems hard, no it's not.. My health is more important than that bag of chips or that chocolate bar.

    That is too true! I love how much more energized I feel since I started. I definitely want to be able to do cool things with my son when he gets older :) Thank you for your perspective!!
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Come on you don't really want to give up, you are just feeling what all of us feel from time to time which is tired and discouraged.

    That will pass!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    well I would suggest looking at your calorie goals..are u eating enough? No, I'm not talking about the binge..many people start off not eating enough. It's definitely something I struggle with myself. 1200 isn't the right answer for everyone, for example. Also look at what you're eating..are u grabbing a lot of processed foods, etc? Please don't give up..u can do this!
  • Don't give up!! We all have days when we slip up. You realized what you did and reached out for help. We are here for you. Don't wait to start tomorrow, start today and eat healthy. Get those unhealthy foods out of your house and that will help. Try to figure out why you started binging yesterday. I would suggest journaling your feelings and thoughts before you eat anything so you can evaluate why you are eating. You can do this. You've done it before and you really can do it again. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
    Hello Kimberlee! Journaling sounds like a wonderful plan. I think it would make me take the time to think about what I'm eating before I do it too. I know a lot of it is emotional, but I'm also guilty of feeling like I need a food to eat with a tv show or movie (every time). Thank you for the ideas!!
    DON'T GIVE UP! I have countless times. Then, my friend gave me a poster that said "If you're tired of starting over, don't give up."
    I'm only a few weeks in but my boyfriend can tell a difference even though I can't. You only live once and it gets so much harder to lose as we get older. Do it for your family. A healthy mom is a happy mom. Cheers! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    I LOVE that quote. I've been making a list of things to print and post on my walls where I'll catch glimpses of them. Good on you for always getting back to it again! We BOTH can do it!! :D
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    I eat the chocolate, I sometimes have mc donald's (so shoot me, I'm human) and I eat 1880 calories a day. I've only been here about a month but I have started losing weight whereas before when I was depriving myself I was stuck or gaining (the gains came from me going crazy eating everything).

    Just to say, don't rule out that you might not be eating enough and check out this thread:


    PS: Don't give up, and don't deny yourself the reasonable chocolate ;)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Also learn to satisfy your cravings in a healthy way. To never let yourself get too hungry is a good strategy that works for me. Eat small frequent meals all containing protein to keep you full. Don't tell yourself that anything not allowed. Everything in moderation is the key. I love chocolate and am learning to eat it in a healthy way. I used to quite easily eat a whole family block to myself. Now I eat 4 squares of dark choc with almonds (100 calories) at a time most days of the week (sometimes twice a day). I do this within my calorie goals. I still don't keep it in the house though because my will power is not quite there yet. I also find that before I eat anything that is calorie dense it helps to log it and think about how long it wold take to burn off and then decide if I really want it.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Please don't give up you're better than that please add me as a friend if you want support :smile:
  • Come on you don't really want to give up, you are just feeling what all of us feel from time to time which is tired and discouraged.

    That will pass!
    Very true!
    well I would suggest looking at your calorie goals..are u eating enough? No, I'm not talking about the binge..many people start off not eating enough. It's definitely something I struggle with myself. 1200 isn't the right answer for everyone, for example. Also look at what you're eating..are u grabbing a lot of processed foods, etc? Please don't give up..u can do this!
    I think so. I typically don't feel hungry during the day. Other than the exercise I'm pretty sedentary. A few months ago I moved in with my grandparents for various reasons, and they NEVER have anything processed or junk-y here. So disappointing at first lol, but it's actually good for me to learn to live without it. Anything bad I get my hands on is my own doing.
  • I too have days I want to give up, and days I mess up with not-so-great choices. I've been usng myfitnesspal recording faithfully and honestly for almost three months. I weight myelf every day. I've seen a pattern in that every so often, like coule weeks or so, my scales go up anywhere from .2 to 3.5 lbs, even when I've stayed with 1200-1280 calories per day, and sometimes when I've had a "slacker" day. And I actually FEEL the poofiness and weight gain. Oh yeah, and I'm menopausal.:smile: Then in a couple of days BOOM the scales will show I've actually went down anywhere from .2 to 2 lbs from before the slight spike. And again, I can actually feel and see the difference, but this time it's the slight weight loss. I've plateued and seen the spike last as long as six days. I've learned to stick wtih it, balance my effort and expectations.

    DO NOT GIVE UP. Take every day as a new day. Renew your committment to the healthy choices every single day. I have been a yo-yo weight girl for 30 years. I have found myfitnesspal to be an excellent tool that helps me make better choices, not just calories, but seeing the nutrition each day. And slowly the wieght is coming off, even when I have bouts of back problems that prevent me from getting much activity. The back pain makes me want to eat for comfort - inactive and eating for comfort is a BAD combination. It can trigger feelings of anger, depression, and lack-a-wanna work for the change I desire, particularly when I watch the scales creep up. I've learned I feel so much better when I get enough sleep, be active - any kind of active, just move - and eat healthy. that seems to be a combination that makes me feel better (and probably act better).

    My other new best friend is a fitbit. check it out on www.fitbit.com. I LOVE that it tracks my activities and even my sleep. It has really helped me see honestly how much (or how little) I move. Simple committment of 10,000 steps a day and keeping calorie intake to a specific (depending on goal) and balanced nutrition has made a big difference for me. The myfitnesspal and fitbit sync and share information too - cool stuff.

    I hope you find motivation here, but more importantly within yourself. Do it for YOU. One day at a time, every day is for a healthier, happier, longer living you.
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    Time to change your mind set.

    Its about been healthy not skinny.

    So yes you have eatten the wrong things, o well. Get over it stop feeling sorry for yourself and move forward. Its not about doing the wrong thing its about how long are you going to do it.

    keep doing what you are doing. We all have bad moments but its only up to you to change it.

    its ok to reward yourself with something nice. the trick is only to have a small amount.

    its more our mind that plays tricks...
  • I eat the chocolate, I sometimes have mc donald's (so shoot me, I'm human) and I eat 1880 calories a day. I've only been here about a month but I have started losing weight whereas before when I was depriving myself I was stuck or gaining (the gains came from me going crazy eating everything).

    Just to say, don't rule out that you might not be eating enough and check out this thread:


    PS: Don't give up, and don't deny yourself the reasonable chocolate ;)

    Thanks, new-tabbed the post to read! I've decided to keep the Dove squares, little Snickers and such in the freezer for moments like that. Because I know when I do get the chance to eat something "bad" I'll go insane. Like ordering Dominos chicken, parm bread bites and 2 lava cakes, then finishing them all myself crazy. haha
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    You have the most amazing motivation sitting right in front of you...your child. I have a beautiful one year old daughter and she is what pushes me daily to keep trying. Yesterday was a badddd day for me, but I decided to stay committed. You can do this! If you need a friend, feel free to add me!
  • Never, Never give up on yourself. Maybe your approach should be different. I have dealt with my weight issue for years. I am 58 now and this crap about body image and number on the scale controlled me long enough. I am on a program now because I would like to have the last few years of my life healthy. When I was younger I did what you are doing, it does not work. You're a beautiful girl probably inside and out. Just pick a life style that you can live with the rest of your life. A little secrete: If you just had a baby your hormones are trying to get back to normal. After having a baby is the best time to kick butt. There is a hormone that is increased after having a baby, that hormone really help with weight lose. I have three boys, 30, 26, and 18 after every delivery I lost all my weight, because of the hormone (can't remember what it's called). Each pregnant I went up to 300 lbs. six months later I was 142 size 5/6. I am an Ex-Pro Ice Skater so I do have muscle memory. Don't give up, I know you will not because you posted it. If you really wanted to give up you would not go on this site. Hope this is helpful. Get in shape while you are beautiful and young. I have wasted so many of my younger years obsessed with weight. NO MORE, I AM DONE. I DO NOT WEIGHT MYSELF, I GO BY MY CLOTHES.
  • dianep225
    dianep225 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, don't give up. Maybe you just started too fast and your expectations are a little bit too high for a beginning. Give yourself a break! I lost 45 pounds but I did it really slowly and celebrated even the small losses. First, I made sure I had a digital scale. This way I could see if I lost even 0.2 lbs... to me that was progress because the small losses began to add up. I also admit that I gained a lot of inspiration by watching The Biggest Loser but not because I exercised like crazy; in fact, I lost most of my weight without lots of exercise. What I did was to make my weight loss the priority in my life... everything took a back seat. Obviously I had to take care of home, hearth and go to work but every decision I made about structuring my days and my food was about me. I gave up 3 foods that are huge triggers for me: ice cream, cookies and pasta. But that was all. Otherwise I was able to have a normal healthy diet with carbs, veggies, protein, etc.
    I also learned from The Biggest Loser that 3,500 calories equals one pound... that made it so much better to figure out when I could expect to see the weight loss. I kept really close track of everything I ate and did not apologize to anyone for my focus. It took about a year. And now I keep on this site to maintain my weight. That's not to say that I didn't want to throw the scale against the wall at times or didn't have a bad day or two. But that's normal. DON'T GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    Falling down is living , staying down is dying.
  • dont give up you will be proud of the outcome just stay within a calorie limit and excercise everyday for an hour. if you do that then you can eat what ever you want you just need to watch the portions