I want to give up.



  • Livibird65
    Hi, welcome. You appear to be an emotional eater. If things are going bad you have the temptation to throw in the towel and go back to where you feel comfortable. I've always been quite slim but I'm an emotional eater too. What I learned over a very long time is that the cravings eventually go, as long as you distract yourself. So, every time you think of pretzels or chocolate take that as a cue to cuddle your baby, empty the washing machine, go for a walk, ring a pal. If after 30 mins you still want choc, have a drink of water and some fruit. I agree on one point someone made earlier about eating enough and regularly, eat every 2 hours if you want. Just make sure your calories are good calories. Sugar males me hungry, I don't touch it very often. Finally, I religiously tracked my intake for 5 weeks here before I lost a single pound. I was getting disheartened but I realised that looking at the carbs, protien, fat analysis helped. I was also going over my cals too many times per week and the nutritional balance was wrong. When I sorted that out and started REGULAR, steady exercise and not sporadic, frantic exercise I started to feel better about myself, my shape and my progress. Willpower is not the answer. Keeping your focus on what works and what doesn't, I suggest, is more effective.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Weight starting - 194
    Current - 192

    The heaviest I actually have ever been was 240, but that doesn't count because I was pregnant! Right? Lol

    My son is 4 months old now, so I decided I no longer had an excuse not to exercise again. I have about 40-50lbs to lose depending on when I'm happy with my body.

    Almost every single day I did 40-60 minutes of cardio and/or circuit training. I watched what I ate. I took my boy on walks all the time.

    I weighed myself once a week even though I wanted to everyday. I actually went down to 190 (JOY!) and when I weighed myself again this week it was up again!! After all that work I got completely demotivated.

    Yesterday I didn't even exercise and ate almost every bad thing I could get my hands on. Today, the same. Another bag of white chocolate pretzels, snickers, dove chocolates, saltines and cheese, etc. Pretty much nothing good for me!

    I want to give up, especially since I just spent two days binge eating and feel as though I ruined all that work and probably gained those final few pounds back again only to end up where I started.

    So here I am trying to take the better, healthier route and NOT give up. I don't think I'll be weighing myself as much anymore. Instead I'm going to focus on how much better exercising and eating right made me feel, and hopefully the weight will follow.

    That was unintentionally long :p Anyway, helloo. Just wanted to introduce myself, hopefully get a little motivation and hear from other people about their story.

    Edit: Logged my food today, plus the hour walk and I'm -800. Eek. :(

    You know what's great? It's that you took the time to write that message on the boards while you were in the middle of an epic binge, only wanting to give up. You know why? Because it shows that you don't really want to give up deep down and that you know pushing through it is the only right way.

    It's a small set back. And the 2 pounds you gained before the binge might have been water weight because you're doing so much exercise, your muscles need water to heal themselves. Or it could be TOM. Or it could have been anything and the next day, they might have been already gone.

    Don't give up, it's not easy but it's worth it. Plus, I bet you felt much better and proud of yourself when you were eating right and exercising. And you were going on walks with your boy and it was probably really nice!

    Stick with it, it's so worth it! And bad days (heck, bad weeks) happen to everybody. I know what I'm talking about, I spent all day Friday binging and purging when I hadn't done it in a month and was really bummed. But I got great feedback and support from my awesome mfp friends and woke up yesterday more motivated than ever and ate right all weekend and started the 30DS. If I can do it, you can do it too!

    I don't know about your mfp friends circle but if it's small, it might be a good idea to add peeps who are supportive and positive (like me :p) to help you out!

    Good luck with your weightloss journey and I wish you all the best! :)

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sounds like you're overdoing it. Make sure you're netting at least 1200 calories and take it from there.

    You don't want to give up. You want to feel awesome, and we want that for you as well. =)
  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    Giving up means you know you won't lose anything and your health will decline. Forget about the binge and start over. You can start over every meal if you have too; you don't have to start on the 1st of the month or on a Monday or the New Year. You can start anytime of any day of any week of any month, as many times as you have too. Just keep trying! If you need a friend, feel free to add me. Hang in there and do it for yourself and your family. A healthier you provides a better future for all of you! One day at a time!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    So here I am trying to take the better, healthier route and NOT give up. I don't think I'll be weighing myself as much anymore. Instead I'm going to focus on how much better exercising and eating right made me feel, and hopefully the weight will follow.

    Sounds like you've already got the right mentality!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If you really wanted to give up, you wouldn't have posted this. You would have just stopped.

    Focus on getting healthy, and let weight loss just be a side effect of that goal. Lots of people have done it, and you can too.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I want to give up, especially since I just spent two days binge eating and feel as though I ruined all that work and probably gained those final few pounds back again only to end up where I started.
    I totally understand. You don't literally want to give up, you're down in the dumps and looking for encouragement. I've been there. We've ALL been there. You've come to the right place! I can tell by you're spirit you'll do great. Keep at it.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I was about to post this to share with everyone, but I will share it with you too. During the black out I caught up with some old fitness magazines, and found this quote by Kim Benson and loved it:

    "The scale can't measure your will, drive, or dedication. The scale can't recount how many temptations you said no to or how many bad habits you broke. The scale doesn't have any idea how many times you got back on track when you felt like giving up. So every time you get on the scale, measure what's really important, including your behavior and effort."

    I think it is so important to look at everything we do. The whole picture! Giving up won't make the changes you want. May as well stick to it!
  • jamers1949
    Please do not give up just try to regroup. I am losing weight and not really doing any thing in the exercise dept since I have some `arthritis,take alot of meds etc BUT I think that any one can drop weight if they measure their calorie intake and eat enough and not go into starvation mode . I have dropped 28 pounds since early September since I joined MFP and bought a food scale and went into portion control .I am being very strict with myself since I am hoping for Gastric By Pass surgey in Dec or Jan . I am not sure if I am accepted yet BUT I am trying to retrain my self and my urges since very soon my nutritional life will be very ,very different and strictly under control.. I want you to know that all of us want you to be successful
    This is not about me though it is about you . I want you to keep trying so you can be happy and healthy So what you went on a binge .Just start over and try to learn from a mistake. .Please do not give up just be aware of your intake each and every time you put calories in your mouth.
    much luck to you and yours`
  • Fenixe
    You all are amazing. I read every single message. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I apologize for disappearing.. real life issues, some more binge eating. A part of my life is unraveling and I resorted to the emotional eating again. But I'm done! It really has made me feel even worse than I already do.

    On a brighter note I finished registering for college and begin in January. So now I work on an improved life, and a new happier and healthier me. :) My baby will be my biggest motivator. I REALLY want to give us both a good future, especially now that his father is probably out of the picture. I can't be a super mom, but I'll dang well try.

    Thank you all again for your kind (and frank) words of encouragement and for sharing your stories with me. I'm adding a few of you who said it was okay, but if anyone else wouldn't mind an add let me know. I'm more than happy to offer any support I can too.

    Take care :)
  • alexmeyer23
    Have you heard about the Paleo lifestyle? Your story reminds me a lot of those that I've heard about on podcasts who found that the Paleo lifestyle was best for them. I'm no expert, but a quick googling will give you all the info. you need.
  • Fenixe
    Have you heard about the Paleo lifestyle? Your story reminds me a lot of those that I've heard about on podcasts who found that the Paleo lifestyle was best for them. I'm no expert, but a quick googling will give you all the info. you need.

    I've seen the word floating around, but I have no idea. haha
    I'll check it out right now. Thank you!
  • jenwestberg
    jenwestberg Posts: 1 Member
    In my experience, if you're exercising a lot you will tend to gain weight first as you are building muscle and since muscle weighs more than fat, it takes a lot more muscle to fill the space where the fat was. Chin up, it'll get better. I like to Jazzercise, it's fun!