BellaReady Member


  • Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” Terry Pratchett
  • Thanks! I think I need to redo it tomorrow morning with a proper tape measure (using a cm one at the moment). If nothing else its going to spur me on! Depressing as I was feeling so good this morning! :@(
  • I love grating a couple of carrots & crushing a glove of garlic and mixing in with the brown rice.. More of a salad but goes well with chicken..
  • Just looked at a couple of your diary days - I'm someone who knows that excess fat consumption is "better" for me than sugar i.e. if I go over on fat I stil l lose (good fat) but sugar is leathal.. I still get my 5+ a day but I do try and avoid huge quantities of fruit.. Might be worth trying to reduce your sugar for a few…
  • I'm in! Start weight 149lbs Goal weight 135lbs
  • Hi! I'm Becky! Feel free to add me - I also tend to eat a healthy diet (bar the odd oops!) and also cook from scratch with a husband who eats enough to feed an army but is very slim! Perhaps we can motivate eachother / share recipes and tips etc..? I must admit, excercise is infrequent (apart from walking) and thats an…
  • I've been on this a while but have never really got involved in the community -I'm really missing that motivation and support / nutrition advice as well - please feel free to add me (I am on here constantly!) and if anyone else out there would like to share support / motivation, please do the same! On a very specific…
  • Hello! Firstly - good luck! I quit (bar the odd late night drinking mishap) about 18 months ago. I use Nicorette gum (4mg fruit flavour). It has been amazing - firstly you get a great hit of nicotine when you need it, you can have as many or as few pieces as you need. Plus, because you're chewing it, you're not eating! I…