Looking for friends who actually give support.



  • DoctorKatey
    I love to give - and receive - support. Especially on nights I want bread, cheese, red wine and chocolate! Please feel free to add me.
  • AntoniaOC
    Hi I'm quite new to all this. I'm am currently on the atkins induction phase, I train daily too. I'me addicted to keep fit and it feels great. Can't weight to reach my ideal weight. Long way to go yet..

    Day 5: -8lbs lose. I guess most of this is water weight.

    If anyone fancies adding me then great stuff, any extra motivation or ideas we can share can only help us.
  • AntoniaOC
    And how do I add my ticker to my post like everyone else has? Sorry,

    Newbie ;)
  • lezbefriends
    lezbefriends Posts: 1 Member
    I dont think u can add ya ticker u r talking heart arnt u if so usually in where it says weight
  • BellaReady
    BellaReady Posts: 11 Member
    I've been on this a while but have never really got involved in the community -I'm really missing that motivation and support / nutrition advice as well - please feel free to add me (I am on here constantly!) and if anyone else out there would like to share support / motivation, please do the same!

    On a very specific question (and I'm sure someone will point me to a better place to ask this! ) - where can I get a better idea of calories / day consumption - I manage to stick to 1200 during the week but then never seem to record at weekends.. Having had Christmas / birthday I want to get back on the treadmill but I want more sustained / encouraging weight loss as all this fluctuation is getting me down - I wonder if its becuase I'm not earting enough during the week.. Any advice SO appreciated ! Plus I reckon with the support from here I might even be able to start doing it at weekends as well!!

  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    Just joined, would love to support others and get support as well.
  • purplelizzard
    purplelizzard Posts: 93 Member
    I feel the same way! I would love to help out! :)