jrobinson143 Member


  • Agreed ^^^^ if you TRUELY want to lose it then let it come off in a healthy manner where you work out and eat right. Otherwise you will put it back on after this vacation and possibly pack on more. For me personally, i did an overhaul on my family's eating, exercise, and mindset when it came to eating. Make it a life…
  • I just wanted to point out to all the ladies who are guessing what weight will be "perfect" for you. Keep in mind no matter what size we are (I'm 4'11") the more muscle we have on our bodies the leaner we will look. The pics i have posted as my profile pic are only about a 10lb difference but I've been really focused on…
  • Above is a lot of good info, especially the calculator. I've used it myself and read up on his website and reread because somethings till confuse me. At your size it will be difficult to safetly lose the weight. I would say if you MUST get down that low consider planning out your meals daily and weekly. You have to keep…
  • congrats as well!!! I have 2 little girls 4 and 18 months. I've been on here since the youngest was 6 months. It really helps :)
  • without even looking at your diary, you mention feeling sluggish. I've been having conversations with my trainer lately about macros. He gave me a good rule of thumb. If I'm wrong someone can call me out and correct me. If you want to lose weight go about 80% lower than your body weight in grams of carbs. you need them to…
  • 1. Get a health assessment, body fat (most gyms will do this for you or a doctor), and measurements. 130lbs is pretty good depending on what makes it up. Most women shoot for 20% body fat, being the low end of athletic. 2. 80% is eating right and 20% is working out. Get the eating piece right. 3. Do cardio AND muscle…
  • I used this calculator to figure out my macros. I think 250g of carbs does seem like way too much. I'm not sure anyone mentioned this but get your body fat and measurements done.Track those for awhile. I've been on a plateau for over a month now, weight wise. My body fat and measurements have gone down so I'm just focused…
  • What made the difference for me last year (mind you everyone is different). I started off the morning with carbs and by dinner would only eat protein and vegtables. Fruit and carbs and of course protein are for all meals up to and including lunch. Go to bed slightly hungry and drink lots of water. Stay away from drinking…
  • Add me, I totally agree with the slow is better. If you can get a health assessment i HIGHLY recommend. Sometimes weight doesn't come off and I've learned from MFP and from my trainer losing body fat and inches is what will make it long lasting. Weight flucuates so much and can change due to water weight, it is not a good…
  • I have several friends with big boobs and they wish they were smaller. They have to wear multiple sports bras to work out and I barely need one. They are small and always have been but no after losing 20lbs I'm barely an A but I never have to worry about clothes fitting me in the chest and besides push up bras have padding…
  • Working out with a trainer for the past 6 months has made me realize the importance of body fat %, not to be confused with BMI. BMI is calculated based on height, sex, and weight. But it does not nessarily give a true body fat percentage. I'm working toward my goal of 20% body fat. This takes a while to lose and very…
  • I gained about 25lbs from my first baby and over 40lbs with the second... so here is my advice. I was WAY happier the first time, you will already be emotional and the extra pounds will be upsetting (especially if you are already concerned). My gyno told me pregnant women only need an extra 300 calories a day (works out to…
  • MOSTLY parents but as a former teacher schools def could help! Remember they aren't the school systems kids they are your kids. Parents should not leave it up to schools to teach their kids about sex, nutrition, etc... Schools should be there to guide them to learn about nutrition, I could go on about crappy school lunches…
  • i agree with what a lot of people on here are saying. building lean muscle is very important! Since starting MFP I lost 14inches and 15 lbs and I mix up cardio and weights. Even when I lift I'll throw in 15 min. of cardio. the muscle will help you shed the inches and body fat. also you gotta keep it simple with real food…
  • my lettuce of choice is spinach, i think it has a much better taste than iceberg or romaine. more hearty and less watery. Try and make your self a big super salad with light dressing that tastes sweet and will bring out the natural sweetness of everything. Throw some avacado, boiled egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, bell…
  • I asked my trainer about this and he said it was ok especially since I'm working out. The carbs and sugar you don't want too high since they can pack on the pounds if your body doesn't need it all for energy.
  • I'm a huge fan of the greek yogurt, perhaps reading the ingredients will help convince you. Be sure to check on the low fat ones, most have artificial sweetener in them (that is a whole other topic). sometime it just says contains aspertaime (same thing). Greek yogurt usually will ONLY have milk, geletin or pectin, and…
  • Well I'm not a vegetarian either but i have plenty of meatless days :) and eat very healthy. I'm not a runner but I'm commited to working out 5 days a week, weights and cardo. I've almost reached my goal and am working on a stomach that will look awesome in a bikini :)
  • i would also lean towards the clean eating idea as apposed to the paleo diet. I workout with a trainer (although i am NOT one) perhaps one can shed some scientific light on this. My trainer said it depends on when you eat those carbs and what kinds of carbs they are (there is a differenece between a baked potato and a…
  • I'm a little shorter than the rest of you at 4'11". today i weighed in at 130 with a goal of 120-125. currently i'm wearing a size 4-6 pants and a small shirt. i have NO chest so small will be a little roomy if i lose more weight.
  • I make egg white oatmeal, before you turn your nose up its a great filling breakfast!! I make a batch on sunday that will last the whole week. I use oldfashioned oats on the stove top. I'll add fruit like strawberries, bananas, etc.. (frozen is fine). Then when its done, take off the stove top and mix in egg whites (1 cup…
  • I'm 4'11" so i'm a tad shorter than most of you. After my pregnancy I was 155!! I've been working with a trainer and am focused on my body fat %, different from BMI. So for those of you who check the BMI its a good guess but you really should have the body fat % checked. My current weight is 130 and would like to lose…