mom2tm Member


  • So- I was sticking with a 1200-1400 calorie diet and eating back about half of my workout calories - and I was working out 5 times a week and sticking strict to the diet. And saw the scale move about 2lbs in about 3-4 weeks. I was getting very frustrated. And then a friend I made on here told me I was putting myself into…
  • Yes. Love a sense of humor.
  • Feel free to add me. Always looking for mutual support!
  • Welcome Back! Best of luck this time around. :smile:
  • Hello - I'm Jessica. Working, single mom to two awsome girls (13 & 10). Divorced within the past year - trying to get 'me' back, and want to improve my health/fitness to keep up with my kids. and feel better about myself. Feel free to add me - I am loving all of the support and encouragement I am getting on here.
  • When I first started using MFP it was just me with a couple of my friends being friends on here, and found we all fell off the wagon. I then started posting in the forums and got additional 'friends'. It has been GREAT! I am encouraged by them (and I hope them by me) and have gotten some great advise when it comes to…
  • Feel free to add me! I am on the 2nd (or 10th) time trying this. I feel more determined this time - and having support through here for sure helps!
  • Thanks for all of the comments! I just decided to buy a cheap pair off of a Living Social deal - just to see if I like them better than the ear buds I have now. I can always go more expensive if I find they work well for me.
  • Thanks for all of the support! I thought protiens should be weighed cooked - that could make a difference. Also - the point on weighing the fruits/vegetables makes sense. I will start that and see if it works. Also - how many of the excercise calories should I eat back (1/2, 1/3?) Thanks All!!
    in Frustrated Comment by mom2tm April 2014
  • Yes - I have been using a scale for the protiens. The fruits and vegetables I do not weigh if it is a 'portion' like one meduim apple, one green pepper, etc. I can begin weighing the fruits and vegetables also - does it go the same as protien and weigh after it is cooked?
    in Frustrated Comment by mom2tm April 2014
  • Cuinboston201 - I will check out that app - thanks!
    in Frustrated Comment by mom2tm April 2014
  • Yes - although I admit on the weekends I am not as good about it as I am during the week. But I try to log everything that I eat. I'm sure there are changes that could be made there - but I would think if my diet hasn't changed much, and my exercise has increased, it would still show a loss.
    in Frustrated Comment by mom2tm April 2014
  • I do the eliptical in my slippers - but then again, I lucked out and got an eliptical that sits about 2 feet from my bed! :)
  • I get bored with salads too!. Now that it is getting back to grilling season, I like to grill chicken, steak, pork, whatever on Sunday and pre cut and measure it into baggies. Then I can grab and go on my way to work for lunch. And instead of just taking lettuce, I like to change it up by mixing it with spaghetti squash,…
    in Food Comment by mom2tm April 2014
  • Sent you a friend request. Just turned 40 in February. Trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle. Anyone is welcome to add me! Always looking for motivation and support!
  • Thanks for the replies. I am starting this week fresh - a new week!! Got up this morning and worked out before getting ready and getting the kids up for school. Then I don't have to feel guilty if I don't get to it tonight! :)
  • Best of Luck to you on your journey!! I think one of the hardest things for me was getting my mind set to just do it!! I was very easily swayed by the sweet treats and endless buffets. Now I do my best to put my head up and push forward!! You are welcome to add me as a friend if you would like.