CrunchyDad Member


  • Yup, everything I said is just a starting point that might set some in the right direction. Calories need to be adjusted after we see the results over a period of time. The only thing we know for sure is, you will lose weight in a calorie deficit. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a calorie deficit. You need to be…
  • 2lbs a week is not healthy or sustainable. Your body will adapt to the calorie deficit and metabolism will suffer. You will not just be losing fat, but muscle and bone mass as well. Calculate your TDEE, and aim for a 300-500 calorie deficit from there. Make sure to exercise but do not give yourself more calories because of…
  • Just scrolled through here quickly and I am concerned that I didn't see anyone mention this, but you need to calculate your TDEE (there are free calculators online) and maintain a modest deficit 300-500 calories per day below that. Too high of a deficit will not be sustainable nor healthy. You want to lose fat, not muscle…
  • Try to stay within your weekly calorie goals, instead of focusing on the daily amount... as long as you're not drastically overdoing it on the cheat days and then eating less than your BMR on regular days. If you look at my diary, you will see some pretty large fluctuations between weekends and week days. Most of this is…
  • Bad eating habits take a long time to break for good. Personally I've been at it for 6 years, because it's not just the food you have to change, it's yourself. I'm still nowhere near perfect, I have cheat meals every week. But it gets a lot easier, just take it one day and one step at a time.
  • No one is destined to fail, this is something you have to really want to do and be willing to work at it. Unfortunately, if you are not losing weight, you are not at enough of a deficit currently. You say you cannot eat less, which would leave you with exercising more to meet your goals. But I think there is another…
  • I don't notice any difference in the leftover eggs, but I actually just beat all the eggs together and pour them over the browned sausage, and cook them together. This is because, I really don't like eggs by themselves. But when I make this stuff, it's like crack for me. I've eaten this even up to 7 days after I made it…
  • There have been times in the past when this was definitely getting in the way of reaching my weight goals, even after I first started MFP 5-6 years ago. I found I would eat too little during the day, because I knew that I wanted to save 500 or more calories to have some drinks that night. Needless to say, it didn't work…
  • Breakfast tends to be my largest meal of the day calorie-wise. I do that because it keeps me feeling full and energized through the work day. I eat about 100g of lean turkey sausage and 1 egg, then a banana an hour or two later. And my coffee.
  • I bake almost everything, or grill on nice days but it's not as easy or efficient, so I'd recommend baking. Every weekend I prep at least 12 chicken breasts for the week, and throw in any variety of veggies I want to go with them. Everything can bake at 350-375° for varying times, so I just add the pans of veggies later if…
  • I usually drizzle some olive oil and then just add seasonings when I cook meat. Garlic salt & pepper is my favorite. Can cook veggies the same way, keeps it simple.
  • When I get quite a few calories for exercise in a day, which is rare lately, I try to eat back half. With a goal as low as yours at 1200 calories a day, I would eat back most if not all of them. The problem I have is using the MFP entries for exercise, I often feel the calories burned are over estimated.
  • If you don't trust the FDA fully, take a look at what other countries are doing. There are many additives allowed in the U.S. that are banned elsewhere, and I try to avoid those.
  • Your best bet is to try cutting them out entirely for a month or so, and see if you feel any better. If you do, then decide if it's worth sticking to it. Everyone has a different level of tolerance when it comes to grains, and gluten. So you may not feel any difference. Personally, I try to avoid them where I can, because…
  • Watch a documentary like Fast Food Nation, or any one that shows in great detail how the beef or chicken is grown and harvested for those places. That's always been enough to help keep me away. Maybe you could stop at Chipotle once in a while until you kick the habit entirely, idk.
  • We've used ours mainly to make smoothies, and once to puree some veggies to add to pasta sauce. I was pretty impressed with how well that worked, now just need to find more things I can add pureed vegetables to...
  • Raw - sweet peppers with ranch Roasted - cauliflower drizzled with olive oil, sprinkle of garlic & pepper Grilled - yellow squash w/garlic & pepper
  • My family is nowhere near 100% paleo, but we have tried it in the past. We found that going 100% wasn't really practical for us, but we did learn from it and had a few key takeaways that have really helped. Again, we don't stick to these all the time, but in general our base meals and grocery shopping never include dairy,…
  • What does that all add up to, 800 calories? O.o Definitely not more than 1,000. You need to establish how many calories you actually need per day, and eat them.
  • I keep a couple of the enchilada or tamale meals on hand at all times, so maybe once a week on a lazy night we'll pop those in the oven. Also keep some soups in a drawer at work in case I ever forget to pack lunch.
  • Of course I do, and the best varieties we have available right now are the organic ones. I grow what I can.
  • Probably no difference. Except that, our bodies have probably evolved to live with most chemicals in nature, since they have been around as long as we have... so we have a pretty good idea what they'll do to us. When a new chemical is created in a lab, it's completely foreign and there's no way of knowing what effects it…
  • If you scroll down the page it actually does list all those, sorry for the confusion. I find that site to be a fairly good resource.
  • Sorry, which nutrients are missing? I thought it listed them all, I noticed you had iron, magnesium , potassium and vitamin B6, all of which are included in the panels below and nonexistant in the syrup. Okay, arsenic was a bad example, it is naturally occurring in everything, including water. So yes, we all get trace…
  • Fair enough. I'm no chemist, nor an expert on how HFCS is created from corn. But, unless you can somehow discount this information as propagonda... At the end of the day, I just choose not to feed my family any extra chemicals, artificial ingredients, processed foods, GMOs…
  • It just means they cannot use synthetic pesticides (I believe fertilizer also, would have to check) and no GMO's for produce. I still prefer growing my own also, because I use NO pesticide, fertilizer or chemical of any kind on my garden, which cannot be said about organic produce from the store. Thanks! You've finally…
  • Yes, but they don't put whole corn and soy into processed foods, its HFCS and soy lecithin. They use them instead of things like real sugar so the cost of junk food can be dirt cheap, while anything made from real ingredients is more expensive, so the public naturally is going to buy the cheap junk food. That is a nice…
  • I agree with what you're getting at, there is way more to it. And you can't really place the blame on our food suppliers or food governing agencies, it's the people that need to take their health into their own hands. At the same time, there is a lot that could be changed in our food system to make it a little easier for…
  • I also eat whatever I want, in moderation. I am not saying I am 100% organic, or GMO free, or anything really. But I do what I can, where I can to try and continuously improve. And no, I am still at a higher weight than I once was when I ate much worse.
  • I have been slowly making lifestyle changes over many years, and many of them have helped to slowly bring me out the "mental fog" that I once had. It has taken a long time but looking back I finally have realized how much better I feel now than I once did. Certainly could be a culmination of things.