

  • Hello, I am having to do something similar for my surgery. I was required to lose 40 lbs before i coud have my surgery due to an extemely high bmi. I did not do so well at first because i got injured but in the last 3 months I have started to go back ot the gym, cut out ALL soda, and have tried to stop eating processed…
  • I have usually will boild the sweet potatoe whole then peel mash them, add allspice or pumpkin pie spice, a small amount of splenda brown sugar, pecans, and a few small pats of real unsalted butter then bake.. you can even use a sugar free mape syrup for extra gooieness. enjoy
  • Hello Helen. My name is Maria and I am on a track myself and think friends are great. I am trying to lose another 10 pounds before I can have my gastric bypass surgery. Just wanted to say I am here for ya. :smile: