Day 1 - looking for support and motivation

My name is Helen,and as it is 6 weeks until Christmas thought it about time to try and shed a few pounds and get a little healthier.

If anyone would like to add me as a friend feel free. I will be posting menu's and progress each day as well as weigh ins.

Doing low carb, low sugar diet. Read the harcombe diet recently and alot of the theory's in this book made sense. I followed for couple of weeks on my own and did feel much better, but I do find it hard to maintain without the support of like minded people.

Good Luck all

PS, I have a about 16lbs to lose


  • mariapaige72
    Hello Helen. My name is Maria and I am on a track myself and think friends are great. I am trying to lose another 10 pounds before I can have my gastric bypass surgery. Just wanted to say I am here for ya. :smile:
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there - lets support one another, Friend Me!
  • HardeesGal
    My advice is to get lots of friends who will help u! Mfp is awesome has helped me drop 28 pounds! Add me as a friend!