

  • Love the LRT and public transit more every day. But on the weekends I love my Ford Focus <3
  • I love all the advice people have given you. I'm right there with you feeling the same way. That's part of the reason I go to curves, no one can tell how much or how little anyone else is doing so you never feel inadequate. Just keep going and keep negative thoughts away
  • Hey there mandie, I'm larger than you (223) but I used Curves SMART, the little key tag things. My heart rate is consistently between 75-80% of the recommended and I do slow jog/fast jog alternating on the recovery boards. Curves SMART says I burn somewhere between 350 and 400 for 30 minutes. If you don't have curves smart…
  • I usually put on a little bit pre- and then during stay - and after lose again.
  • Our safety people won't let us have balls in our office :(
  • WHOA? Back up. There's Zumba Fit for the Wii? Guess what I'm getting this weekend?
  • So I checked a little bit under my diet/exercise settings and changed my workout from 5X/30 minutes to zero and zero and my calories didn't change. I think it just gives you extra calories if you change your average day from sedentary to say active. For simplicity I would set it to sedentary and then log all your exercise.
  • If this is true I need to know! I can't see them doing this cuz it makes it SUPER complicated then.
  • I haven't personally used them but they are one of my weight loss goals because I've only heard good things. Fixes posture, strengthens lower legs, strengthens ankles and works out your foot. Our feet have tons of little muscles that never get used and I guess these shoes help us use them and let the foot move like it was…
  • It's debatable whether they are bad or not. From my understanding there are two theories. But right now I only remember one :) When you drink a diet pop it sends a signal to your brain that you are injesting something sweet. The brain then tells the stomach to create enzymes that are designed to break down sugar. If you…
  • We have a place here in my city called Dawns Bratique. It's by appointment only because they set you up with a sales girl who fits you properly. Starts out with measuring then they give you a bra to try on. The sale girl comes in and adjusts it properly for you, makes sure everything is good and if not, they try a…
  • I'm 220ish and would LOVE to break the 200 mark. Got to 203 once upon a time. Friend me!
  • oh my goodness. Why play games? If you message someone and they don't message back forget them. If they message you and you're looking at it why not message back? Would you wait a couple of days if someone e-mailed you a job offer? Probably not. It shows interest if you get back to people ASAP. Just don't message a whole…
  • I would think the morning is better because of what tabby said about things happening during the day can throw you off. Also you can better plan your food for the day if you already know the calories burned from a workout. Personally though, I work out at night. I like to do it right before supper because I'm going to be…
  • Hey Purple, I googled some words and got this hit: http://www.mybodygallery.com/ seems to be what you're looking for. <3
  • Work at the office doing borehole drawings. Then home to get my car to go to Curves. Then buying a new tv. Not eating any treats at the office today!
  • Hi Julia, I tried sp once and got bored of it. I found mfp because of the smartphone feature. LOVE IT! I had some good success with caloriecount.about.com and I hope to recreate that success here.