What is wrong about eating below 1200 calories? Isn't less calories in better b/c you less is converted to fat? I'm new at this so please inform me.
I am stuck at a plateu too! don't know what's happening...
Yeah!!! Keep it up. You can do it!
-, I just got done telling my wife that food is like an addiction. It's horrible! It's so hard to control myself whenit comes to tasty foods. At least the food counter on this site helps me know how much I'm eating. Like any addiction, food portion control will have to be treated like any addiction. I'll have to…
You should check out Wii Biggest Loser!!! Now that is a workout. You'll sweat, use energy, and feel like you are getting a real workout when doing the routines in difficult. I love it!
I really like DDR as well. However, I'm not sure how accurate the calorie counter is. I sweat and have a much tougher workup on Wii Biggest loser and according to Wii Biggest Loser calculation, I still burn less Calories on Biggest Loser than DDR. But DDR is still FUN!
Wow...Thanks so much for the input and words of encouragement.