#3 - moms rock!
road warrior
#4 - stunning bride
blade runner
#4 - shows a fun and sillly side
elective surgery
Yes, they sometimes make enough room for me in my bed...
not judging, just throwing this out there based my personal experience.... Infertility is a bi#ch and IVF is physically and emotionally draining. The financial drain with potentially no child at the end is a bitter pill to swallow too. I was deeply entrenched in infertility hell when a friend said this to me: So do you…
I grow it and it's in overload right now. if you really have too much, cut into bite size pieces and toss into boiling water for 60 seconds. plunge into ice water and drain well. bag it and freeze. I have lots of recipes that use broc so i freeze in 1 cup sizes and then do a few bags that will make enough for a side dish.
bed bug
sure - she can hold my hand while i get my first tat!
white wash
mine was a lap and it was about a 7-10 day recovery. Sore as hell the day or three after, keep a small pillow to hold on your abdomen when you move - or gawdforbid sneeze. also pain meds are likely to cause some constipation and you will not be able to bear down so modify diet accordingly.
When my daughters were young we'd go out to eat about once a week and just chat. That day we were talking about how all our days had gone and what they'd learned in school, etc. A couple at the next table was leaving and stopped to say that my girls were very well behaved (they were) and that they thought I was a great…
Yes, but then he'd be bored with my virgin skin and fear of needles.
no - the smell of taco bell makes me hurl.
everything at Chipotle. Cilantro. Gross.
Oh I really like you!!! 1981.