It's a fantastic start to running. I did it last year. If you feel that the first week is too easy, skip ahead. And don't be afraid to repeat weeks. I used Robert Ullrey's podcast for the transitions and music. Good luck!
Postal scale.
I highly recommend reading this blog from Nerd Fitness: It's long, but there are a lot of comparison pictures between her at a low weight (yet skinny-fat) and her at a higher weight (yet ridiculously toned). It is awesome motivation.…
Milk Butter Eggs Bread Applesauce I blame a consistent breakfast for the first 4.
I read the topic title and thought, "Oh dear, here we go again..." Read the thread and found it full of win.
^ Install your OS on the SSD, and any programs that take a while to load. Don't use it for file storage. It'll reboot so fast...
I was thinking something similar. I've noticed a few people at my bowling alley trimming up, but I hesitate to say anything for fear of offending. Luckily, on MFP, I know everyone loves encouragement, so.... Way to go! You're doing fantastic!
Very shiny! I built our last two computers, and it's very satisfying when it all plugs in nicely. I used Newegg for all the components. The only trouble is having to be your own customer service. Something goes wonky? To the Internet for answers!
- In Place Of A Road Map. Really useful and highly recommended. I've also been told that when the pounds stop coming off, it's time to get out the camera and the measuring tape.
It's fantastic that you're ready to change by doing MFP! That said, 40 pounds is probably a bit much to hope for by June. A healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. 2 lbs * 16 wks = 32 pounds. Also, the weight loss will not be linear. So you'll lose a bunch in the first two weeks, and it will taper off, and at some…
- I love this recipe. It uses frozen, but there's no reason you couldn't use raw and steam it a bit first.
I should send out an email to all my vegetarian friends. This is something they should know!
Ack! So cute! What a great smile. Way to go!
This. Also: 1) Increased exercise = increased glycogen stores = increased water weight. Don't panic, it isn't fat. 2) 1-2 pounds per week is reasonable. The first week of diet change (no exercise change) there's usually a whoosh. 3) Skip the scale. Take pictures, get out that measuring tape. Use your clothes as measuring…
You might try doing the strength training movements without weights. And if you need to, do coffee table or wall pushups. I'm on day 4 of level 2 and I'll pause the DVD when I feel like I'm going to die. But I totally agree with Nikkohli, just keep pressing play and the endurance will come.
I've been doing it 3 days a week (on level 2, day 3) and I've lost a few pounds and an inch off my waist. More importantly my fitness is increasing as I can do more push ups and lift heavier weights. I started at 3 lb weights, moved up to 5 lbs for most exercises, and a few I can use 8 lb weights. I'm also eating at TDEE -…
I go with the "eat what you like, but stay between BMR and TDEE-x%" mentality. It's easier to fit in healthier foods, and figuring out how many calories were in fast foods was a big eye-opener. But I'm more likely to stick with it if I don't deny myself specific food categories.
It could also be your body storing up glycogen and the associated water. If you enjoy the running, don't worry so much about the weight. The fitness is more important.
Usually at the end of a story segment they'll give you some kind of a "Run" cue. This isn't the "zombie chase" feature, it's all part of the show.
So, the more important questions: how do you feel? Are you losing inches? Are you more fit? Skip the scale, get out the measuring tape and take some pictures. They'll tell you way more about what's working than that happily fluctuating number.
I saw the topic and was going to grab my popcorn, but now...
I just read this topic, and it explained a lot. The parts about basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) will probably help.