saffronbelle Member


  • You are not convinced because your parents eat a lot of carbs and are moderately healthy and because you've seen a few people on the Internet fail at their low-carb diets, so academics and doctors who have published peer-reviewed journals on the dangers of high-carb, low-fat eating can just bugger off, right? I won't even…
  • uhhh, I don't know if you know how the scientific community works, but it exists through epistemic communities of scholars who, throughout the years, either build upon existing knowledge OR tear it down. Of course I'm going to get behind the science that is both more inclusive of data AND is more convincing within its…
  • No, I won't contest that high amounts of carbs work for athletes and people who are very active. It's a fast fuel source, a quick jump. But for regular people who don't need that fast fuel source because their day's strenuous energy is picking up a bag of heavy cat litter, is 150g of carbohydrates right for them?…
  • Yeah, it may be an "unrealistic diet" compared to modern American standards where eating copious amounts of bread, pasta, and potatoes is the norm, not to mention all of the processed junk food which is just laden with added sugars. Heart disease is a relatively new phenomena. Our grandmothers and grandfathers ate real…
  • Right? It's like I'm reading food science posts from the 1990s when even eating one egg a day was bad for you because *gasp* cholesterol!
  • What do you mean? A high-fat and low-carb diet is healthier for my body than the other way around. Eating a bagel with low-fat cream cheese converts into simple sugars when digested. It's all carbohydrates. You might as well eat a pastry because the body isn't fooled.
  • Me! I'm 20 :) feel free to add me
  • during my binges, I could eat an entire pizza and a can of coke for dinner. another binge entails a Big Mac, fries, and a coke, with two junior chicken burgers on the side. I can also eat candy bars like crazy...give me an entire bag of Hershey Kisses and I will eat them all...