What was your WORST binge ever?



  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 269 Member
    This thread is very intriguing.
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    honestly.. just eating huge portions of everything.. lots of soda and always 2nd helpings, sometimes 3rds.. I gained 15lbs in a month!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Sounds like the recipe for a good colon cleanse! YIKES!
    A dozen of Raw vegan chocolate chip cookie dough with a 1/2 gallon of almond milk. Can you say sick!!!!!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I don't think this is a very healthy topic at all. We shouldn't encourage bragging about self destructive behavior.

    Agreed! I do find it fascinating, but it's pretty bad.

    Um, who's bragging? People are fessing up with some shame here. But it's helpful to know that you're not the only one who's done this and struggled with this type of food disorder.
  • CyanOwl
    CyanOwl Posts: 8 Member
    An entire bag of Hostess Chocolate Frosted Donuts with a F'real Reese PB shake to wash it down.. I did this binge more often than once. :drinker:
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Every time I've ever eaten pizza.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    A long, long time ago, I had an entire order of 8 hot wings and almost an entire pizza.

    I don't even remember why I did it.

    But I felt very, very, very sick afterwards. @_@
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I feel like an amateur. I just can't fit that much in to my stomach at once, and once i stuff it I don't want anything for a LONG time. I've definitely done the drive-thru hopping- taco bell chicken flatbreads were equally as craveable and cheap as wendys double stacks, don't even get me STARTED on the combined taco bell / pizza hut drive thrus! As far as eating a lot in a day or single meal goes, I'm more likely to eat (and drink) anything in sight when on vacation, but the meal I feel most bad about was one time in college when I got two burritos from Moe's and somehow managed to finish them both. Normally one would have me stuffed but I couldn't decide what I wanted so I got two.
  • chainone
    chainone Posts: 42
    My best friend and I still binge together on a regular basis. A whole bag of chips each, then a whole pie each if we can fit it. We joke about "powering through" the uncomfortableness.

    Does anyone else notice that though? Like there's the first few full levels that you can just eat past and then you hit a wall?
  • jktin08
    jktin08 Posts: 62 Member
    I recently went APE *kitten* on a bag of cool ranch Doritos LOL :P I am sure I had some impressive binges in the past, I just cannot remember. I do currently crave some nachos big time, a vat of homemade guacamole, and a cake with a ton of frosting LOL but it will remain a dream.
  • saffronbelle
    saffronbelle Posts: 10 Member
    during my binges, I could eat an entire pizza and a can of coke for dinner.
    another binge entails a Big Mac, fries, and a coke, with two junior chicken burgers on the side.

    I can also eat candy bars like crazy...give me an entire bag of Hershey Kisses and I will eat them all...
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    A lot of sushi.

    I mean a lot.

    This place nearby does great sushi and for takeout and I got an absurd amount. Regret.
  • saishyamk
    saishyamk Posts: 41 Member
    1 Full Dominos Cheese burst pizza, 1 Full Garlic Bread with 2 Cheese Dips and 1 Chocolava Cake. That was dinner!! :P
  • I've had quite a few terrible binges, but my most recent one (This morning) was:
    x2 eggs with 1 tomato
    Greek yoghurt and an apple
    x10 (yes, 10) flap jacks (Russian Oladyi) from Kefir topped with slices of cheese.

    It was terrible because when I looked at the time, it wasn't even 11 AM -_-
    Once I start eating pancakes or flap jacks, I cannot stop..
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    Ehh can't really remember, tbh. I know I used to down a large cheese pizza like it want anything..
  • LauraBee96
    LauraBee96 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh.Some of your binges sound so small,compared to my worst Bulimia days.I am ashamed.

    Breakfast: 10-15 bread slices 12 hard crispbreads(Both with TONS of butter and full fat cheese).4 Cups of nesquik like chocolate milk.(Soooooo much powder).1 liter milk with branflakes/cornflakes and tons of sugar!

    Lunch:school lunch.

    Afternoon:20 crispbreads,10 slices of bread(Butter and cheese),I bag of cinnomon roles.Gingerbread mix.200 gr Choclate bar.

    Dinner:pasta (toons of butter and salt) with meatballs.

    Night:Bag of popcorn,bag of chips,pepsi max,1 liter milk with branflakes(again with a lot of sugar) and Then about 1,5 lifers icecream

    Late night:after purging/waiting feeling empty and having sore throth I would cry infront of the tv with 1 liter icecream.

    These where bad days when my parents where somewhere else,about once a week.Rest of the days i would binge smaller(but still huge) amounts in my room alone.Im 77 days bingefree now!Ofcourse I gained weight at this time but I was never overweight.(Started binging after anorexia period In my life.)

    Congrats on your streak! Your story doesn't sound so different from mine.. just in vegetarian form. Ice cream is still vegetarian :)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    One family size bag of doritos, two snickers bars and a litre of diet coke. That was many years ago, and the feeling the next day stuck with me for a long time and was one of the reasons I eventually started to get off my butt.

    I still partake of the occasional chips/chocolate combo, but never on that kind of scale! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-diculous to think about now.
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    120 pizza rolls, 6 bags of movie theatre butter popcorn, 2 king size hersey bars and 3 bottles of coke.
    It was a horribly emotional day.
    And that was all day, not one sitting haha.
    I still felt like my stomach was going to explode though.
  • prestigio
    prestigio Posts: 181 Member
    1 large jar of peanut butter (in one sitting)
    750 grams
    5,018 kcal
    443g fat (84 saturated)
    62g carbs (41 sugars)
    171g protein

    Didn't eat any more peanut butter for a week...
  • mspiggy1178
    mspiggy1178 Posts: 12 Member
    1 large bag peanut butter m&ms
    large thin crust Dominos pizza
    8 Wings
    chocolate lava cake
    salt and vinegar chips
    large cherry limeade

    this may have been a typical binge if I was alone and having an emotional day.