

  • Wow, I feel old. I Just finished my first year of a graduate program after being away for a while.
  • You don't think the vast majority of people that spank their children are uneducated, less intelligent, and do it either because their parents did it or the Bible says to (or both)? As I mentioned before I knew they had to be out there, but I have never met someone who spanks their children that wasn't uneducated.
  • This might be correct. The only argument I have ever heard in favor of an occasional spanking that makes any sense is when you have to get a child's attention to stop them right now (running into traffic, grabbing a hot stove etc). I think a lot of people would suggest that this sort of situation should be avoided entirely…
  • I see there are some people here in favor of spanking their children. If there is anyone here that has a college degree and thinks it is ok to spank children, please step forward. I know they have to exist, but I have never met a person under 75 that has a college degree and thinks it is ok to spank children.
  • I would like a spot if still open. I want to have a great month.