bek48 Member


  • I haven't tried the NOW Foods MCT oil, but I have gotten a couple bottles of Bulletproof MCT. I've noticed I'm more focused during the day with better energy when I have some in the morning. It helps me fall asleep quicker if I have some at night as well, it's pretty interesting. I've always felt like he oversells the…
  • Great question, sleep is often an overlooked component of health and fitness! Good timing too, I've been on a search for the perfect night's sleep and have been experimenting a bit with this. I tend to get 6 or 7.5 hours of sleep per night, depending on my schedule. The 90 minute intervals seem to help (for me, at least),…
    in Sleep? Comment by bek48 December 2013
  • Handstand pushups, cool! Could you always do those or did you have to build up to them? I just started trying to do handstands last week, it's a slightly pathetic work in progress lol
  • Lol I'm sure you're right! I actually just found another study that showed no cognitive improvement at all in non-vegetarian women supplementing with creatine. Oh well - maybe there's something to be said for the placebo effect! ;)
    in Creatine Comment by bek48 October 2013
  • One more kind of weird note, I mentioned in the first post that I had initially started researching creatine for cognitive benefits. I'm a nerd and I like to do Lumosity in the mornings, and today I did WAY better on all of the memory games than usual. Might be correlated, probably is not, but it's interesting at least!…
    in Creatine Comment by bek48 October 2013
  • Thanks for the link Leadfoot_Lewis - I wish I'd come across that thread during my extensive googling! :) I started with 5g this morning (monohydrate, no fillers). Lifting went pretty well, but I've gotten some high quality sleep this week too so I'm sure that helped - I understand it might take a few days for it to start…
    in Creatine Comment by bek48 October 2013
  • I happened to read this article on the stronglifts site the other day ("How To Eliminate Your Protruding Gut In 21 Days Flat"), maybe it will have some good info for you: The guy in the article did some hip flexor stretches regularly and tightened up his…
  • Hi ladies, Just wanted to butt in and say hello. I've been lifting heavyish dumbbells for a while now, and I finally manned up (womanned up?) last week and jumped into 5x5. This stuff is so addicting, I love it! I find myself wishing everyday was a lift day! Anyway, I creeped on the forums for a while before joining this…
  • LOL same thing happened to me once, I had to run a dang marathon a couple years ago...lesson learned, be careful getting drunk around runners! Haha good for you though, that's awesome - keep up the good work! :)
  • Hey - you're not the only one! I kept expecting to magically find myself getting in shape while in the army. I'm in Afghanistan right now, and it feels like being out of the garrison environment and able to work out on my own is the best opportunity I've had in years. MFP is pretty helpful for tracking (even if sometimes…