lastinlineforlunch Member


  • You actually may be starving yourself. 1200 calories may work for someone who sits around all day but if you're working out quite a bit you may not be getting enough putting your body into starvation mod. When you enter starvation mod your body is made to keep everything you eat and store it as fat for survival. I would…
  • I'm the same height as you also my normal weight is 135 but I'm a newly wed and gained a lot lol it happens. I would suggest you stick with 1200 cal. And be careful of how much weight you loose!! Check your BMI it will help you see where you need to be I think the wayit goes for your height 160-130 is your optimal weight…
  • I don't project annoying o. To him I have a little more self esteem than's not my fault that these pictures of females that he likes keep appearing in my news feed...I'm doing it for myself don't let that fool you but it doesn't help that I'm not getting the emotional support that I need...smh it's hard to…
  • You also need to take into consideration muscle weighs more than fat but yes it's probably water retention. I stop drinking water n hour before I weigh/start working out.