

  • fresh fruit, celery w/ greek cream cheese, nut crackers (blue diamond makes some really good ones)
  • thanks for all of the advice. I was on weight watchers and the point system for a while and was loosing some weight but than it just stopped. Now that I also need to reduce sugar and gluten im trying this approach. Do any off you also use the strivv app? any idea how accurate it is?
  • also are you looking at the actual calories consumed or the net calories after exercise subtracts it?
  • How do you loose weight than if I'm not burning many calories a day usually somewhere in the 200-500 range?
  • i have a lot of medical issues and physical limitations but I walk about 1hr a day (not all together) and do exercise in the pool. I have been following this plan for a little over a month and usually eat between 850-1000 calories a day but I have maybe lost 2lbs. Any suggestions?
  • I'm 34 but have a lot of medical problems. I have gained weight from medication and in ability to be very physically active. I am working on loosing it and also reducing/eliminating gluten and sugar from my diet as it could help some with my chronic pain. I am open to suggestions on good foods to eat to accomplish this.
  • Im new to gluten free and am doing it more to see if it helps my chronic pain issues than an allergy (I was told i have a sensitivity). Im also attempting to reduce sugar for the same reason but find many of the gluten free products have more sugar. Finally partly to medications and partly to not being able to physically…