grey_lady007 Member


  • Hi! I am in the same boat as my wedding is May 4th. The best thing I have found is to keep at the diet and exercise as the weight didn't come on overnight and won't leave overnight. Find something you love and it will be a lot easier to get in your workouts. Congrats and good luck!
  • I use the polar f4 for when I do Zumba and like it. While it doesn't automatically sync with MFP, it gives me a better idea of how many calories I burned for entering into MFP. I have used it for other exercise and find it a good HRM all around. I got mine for around $60 on Amazon. Just make sure that whichever one you get…
  • I found the steps easy to pick up. The best advice is to dress comfortably, bring water, keep moving and have fun. Don't worry if you can't do the steps as well as the person next to you or at their intensity. Also, let the instructor know if you have any physical issues, ie bad knees, etc so that he/she can help you…
  • I have been using the DVDs and the xbox games and agree that it isn't the same as going to class, but I think that they are a great next best thing as my work schedule doesn't allow me to make a live class very often. I think doing it with someone makes it more fun and a good motivator than doing it on your own. It has…
  • Right on! One of my coworkers is also trying to lose weight and is always looking sad and lamenting that she can't have a bite of cake or whatever someone brought into the office and I know it is going to get worse over the next few weeks with the holidays. I really feel bad for her and then I feel bad if I decide to…
  • Good to know! My fiancé got me the other Zumba games and I love them. Haven't tried this one yet and am looking forward it
  • I found the exhilarate set to be good as my work schedule doesn't allow me to make a regular class and I love Zumba. While the weights included probably aren't good for weight training I found them good for adding a little intensity to the workout