Zumba DVDs Success?

Hey guys! I'm currently on Thanksgiving break [Thank GOD literally ;) ] and was thinkin over my Christmas break (6 weeks) of buying the Zumba dvds and doing them with my mom. i've gone to a class before, and although fun I am very concerned for results. Anyone try the DVDs and like them or see results? Thanks!


  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    I haven't tried the DVDs but I do have one of the video games for Wii, and it just wasn't the same as going to the class; I just couldn't get into it. But if you're doing it with someone else you might have better luck feeling motivated than I did at home.
  • grey_lady007
    grey_lady007 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been using the DVDs and the xbox games and agree that it isn't the same as going to class, but I think that they are a great next best thing as my work schedule doesn't allow me to make a live class very often. I think doing it with someone makes it more fun and a good motivator than doing it on your own. It has taken me some time to make it a habit to do one a day, but I am getting there. As for results, I haven't been doing it long enough to see anything yet, but I know I am burning calories so the results are bound to show at some point. Good luck!