rickyll Member


  • I don't disagree with your statements but I need to clarify what I meant by weight training. I agree with your claims if you look at weight training as going to the gym and doing low intensity weight training. To clarify, by weight training I mean intense weight training with mandatory compound lifts that incorporate major…
  • No offense taken. Obviously any form of exercise is good but why opt for the least effective method when you know there's a better method out there? Next time I'll try getting my point across with a little more tact!
  • You're right. My apologies for making an overly general comment. Low intensity cardio is another tool in your tool box of fat shedding but too many people see it as the only tool...
  • Looking for a motivational quotes has one major flaw...It means you're looking for motivation, which is fleeting. Look to make habits and you'll never need motivation again.
  • everything that's been said already is pretty good advice. I want to emphasize weight training...it it by far the best way to shed fat! Leave your ego at the door and don't be afraid to look stupid if you're a beginner. (unless you don't have shame then that's even better!) PLEASE DO COMPOUND LIFTS! PLEASE! PS. Low…
  • I don't take working out into consideration when setting activity level. I'm at the gym an average of 6 days a week but I work at an office so I put my activity level as sedentary. It's all trial and error though. If you're not making noticeable progress after a couple of weeks, adjust your intake accordingly!
  • As some have said above: by depriving yourself of the BEST exercise for your legs and your WHOLE body (squats) you're not doing yourself any favours. Obviously don't hurt yourself but explore every avenue you can so you can hopefully do squats successfully and often without aggravating your back and knees. Ex: stretch your…
  • https://youtube.com/watch?v=5AHCpJecV2U&nohtml5=False[/url]
  • yeah as some have posted above: work on your stabilizing muscles and take it slow. It took me 6 months of patient, light lifting to finally get back to painless heavy lifting. See a physio and go from there! Also, there's tone of good videos on youtube for good stretches and rolling techniques.
  • haha I'm sure we all know what "Kitten-to-grass" was supposed to say before it got censored...
  • It's been a while since I Iooked at this thread so I have an update! Today was day 7 and I feel fantastic! Back Squat PR has gone up to 245lbs from 225lbs right before I started. Today I hit a front squat PR of 225lbs. (pretty sure if I can do 225 front, I'll be able to hit higher then 245 back squat next time I do them!)…
  • I was more looking for people that had done it before or are currently doing it to see how they feel/felt about it. I'm open to anything so if half-way I decide that yes, everyone who answered this thread is right, and this isn't such a good idea, then I'll stop. In fact, there is no one on this thread that I haven't…
  • I'll be the guinea pig! I'll be updating my stats (measurements, body fat, and PRs) regularly if anyone wants to know if this program is effective or not.
  • thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm not new to weightlifting so I'm not surprised with the answers I received. I take the necessary precautions to remain safe and effective (stretching, rolling, warm ups) but chance of injury and fatigue is still high so I'll listen to my body and see what happens. Day 2 done today and I…
  • Yah I get where you're coming from. It can be really taxing on your central nervous system when it's firing at full force every single day. I do some form of compound lift everyday already though and I have yet to feel the effects of over-training. In this case, it's what I already do but to the max so I'm not ruling out…
  • read the label and make sure it's clean carbs and not filled with sugar. RealGainz by Animal is a good one with very little sugar (not too sure of the name but it's in my diary so just read it) YOu can also just add full fat plain greek yogurt to your existing protein shake to turn it into a homemade gainer. It'll have…
  • 4-6 times a week but try to keep them short and intense. An hour max. This hour doesn't include a warm up, conditioning, and stretching/rolling though.. adding those things make the total gym time about an hour and a half. What I do before and after my weightlifting is what allows me to workout that often.
  • greek yogurt - good source of protein and you can buy different %s of fat content so you can really choose how many calories you get from it. Plain only though. If you buy flavoured, you'll get too much sugar. You can always add flavour to it with other less sugary things.
  • That's all you need to know really. It's one of the most highly researched supplements behind protein and it's great. Get German Hydrolized Monohydrate (or something like that). It's all you need. It's naturally occurring in a lot of foods but just hard to get in the portions that you want. (usually 5-10 grams/day)
  • My bad, "after a week or so" was meant to indicate a progress check, as in after a week or so he should make sure he's on the right track. I didn't mean that the whole process would take only a week.
  • This is called a change in body composition. Play around with your macros by decreasing your carb intake and upping your protein. Keep fats at around the same. It goes without saying that carbs should be complex (unless it's right after a workout) while trying to avoid bread of any kind, and the protein should be lean for…
  • Oh man...where do I even begin!? Come hither, kids. This is the tale of a lifetime
  • I came for the wine... I'm gonna have some wine.
    in Wine Comment by rickyll February 2014
  • When women (or men. I'm sure we do this too) make up lame excuses instead of just telling you they're not interested. oh, and holes in my socks...i ****ing hate that.
  • Cillie Barnes - Veranda (RAC Remix)
  • 250 grams a day is what I eat. TRY: -nuts (not too many cuz they have lots of fat..though it's good fat) -chicken -tuna -cottage cheese -beef -dairy products -eggs etc. A combination of these every day will get you your 150+ grams of protein and will also keep your stomach entertained.
  • hell yeah. Middle-aged, married men are my forte
  • her shoes were more important than me!
  • On slip-up is no big deal. Don't sweat it, it's not that serious.