1ahayward Member


  • Polar Ft4. The monitors with chest straps are more accurate than those without.
  • Your body's metabolism may have slowed, possibly because you're close to your set point now. What if you changed it up in a big way? First, are you measuring/weighing portions to be certain you're not eating more than you think? I can't tell from your post but are you doing reduced carb eating? What if you reduced your…
  • I've had the good fortune of maintaining a 45 lb weight loss as the result of a Nissen - an operation to correct my hiatal hernia - for almost 5 years. I did that by recording what I ate and exercise. Recently I decided to try to re-set my setpoint again. I keep my goals modest: With a current BMI of 42, I've decided…
  • I'd be more inclined to trust my sense of fullness rather than a specific number of calories. If you're saying you get too full on 500, then by all means, eat less. But that might vary depending on your activity level and the quality of those calories. One of the things I found I had to do to maintain my 50+ lb loss was…
  • Check out the article in the NY Times Health section, "How Accurate are Fitness Trackers" from 6/12/13. In a nutshell...not so much.
  • I'm an avid cyclist and have maintained a 55 lb weight loss for 4 years. Several of things: 1. Online estimates of calories burned on a bike are HIGH, although myfitnesspal isn't as bad as some. I usually estimate about 1/3 fewer. Although if you're carrying kids, the extra weight may boost the number you burn. 2. The…
  • Not Atkins, per se. I've been cutting carbs to approximately 20% or less of what I eat -- amounts to around 70 carbs per day. I am losing weight and wasn't when following the recommended ratios of Carb/Protein/Fat on this site: 10 lbs in the last two weeks, which is probably mostly water. I'd recommend you read Gary…
  • There's actual research that suggests that the body "fights back" after weight loss. Certainly extreme dieting slows metabolism, but even for folks who lose weight slowly and without too much deprivation, the body remains "attracted" to that higher set point and will send hunger cues. Check out HBO's series "Weight of a…