be easier to tell you what is normal about them but I can't think of anything just yet.
^^ nothing but is totes to do with "Chit-Chat, Fun, and Games"
I spent about 10 years being drunk & stupid & it also made me fat (300lbs) plus I caught a bad case of the type 2 diabetes. Spent the last few years sorting that out by losing 40lb but still have some weight loss to go. If I can smarted up, sober up & stop stuffing my face them you can too. Good luck
Nope boy (5) eats whatever he wants & in adult portion sizes, he is v v active & will eat until full. Some days he doesn't want to eat at all & that is fine & other days he eats non stop & that is also fine. Nothing is off limits.
I thought Chris Powell was his bff. I wonder if they are still friends & how he feels about this huge gain.?