Thanks for the recommendations thus far! To those who asked, I don't really have a favourite genre. I'll read just about anything.
I've done 3 running programs so far. The first was Zac Marion's Australia Intro to Running Series, then Tommy Rivs Iberian Beginner Running Series, and I just finished Tommy Riv's Easter Island: Rapa Nui Running Series. I've also done a couple of strength series. I did John Peel's Next Level Strength Series, then Kelsey…
Have been doing strength training consistently for about 3 months now and am ravenous too. I did some research on diet during strength training and discovered I was highly underestimating how much protein I should be eating daily. There is a lot of info out there, but here is one website's take on it:…
Hi. Good luck with IF. I just started IF also using the 16:8 ratio. Day 3 for me.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Food has just gotten way too accessible in today's society. Never in the history of mankind has it been so easy to get food. It's no wonder obesity is the epidemic that it is. It shouldn't be so easy to get food, but it is, and you have to have tremendous…