

  • You may not be taking into consideration that your body burns a base amount of calories just to keep yourself alive and move your body throughout your day. That base amount (called a Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR) varies from person to person, depending on activity levels, weight (how much your system is hauling around),…
  • I can't believe I'm actually typing this, but after about 10 weeks of using our elliptical, with the weather getting nicer, I'm actually considering starting to run (my gods, who am I? I don't even know me any more!). As a horror writer, I'm really drawn to Zombies, Run! in theory - is it something that beginning runners…
  • The Body Mass Index was created by Adolphe Quetelet between 1830 and 1850, and was never intended to be used to determine an /individual/ person's health (medical diagnosis of being over or underweight). It was intended to be a means of classifying physically inactive or sedentary populations (when comparing one group to…
  • Female, 45 Years Old Height: 5 foot 6 1/2 Highest Weight: Upwards of 230 Starting Weight: 220 Current Weight: 206 Goal Weight: Aiming for 185, then we'll see from there.
  • I found this interesting comparison chart of the calories in alcohol. My drink of choice, when I am dieting, is Rum and Diet Coke, which is between 100 and 125 calories for a single (1.5 ounces of alcohol and none for the diet soda). Unfortunately, I've got a reputation as an expert jello and pudding shot maker in our…