

  • Looks like I started a debate here. :-) nonetheless I'd like to thank everyone for their valuable opinions/advice. Most people are insisting I get a second opinion, so I will! Does anyone have any advice on finding a good endocrinologist? Im nervous I will find someone not thorough enough. Im simply tired of expending so…
  • You know what's funny is I had a thyroid test taken a number of years back and it came back above high, they told me I had an underactive thyroid...then they wanted to send in for another test to make sure and it came back normal. That is so weird? I wonder what it means...
  • Wow that is really interesting to know! He did check everything as far as diabetes goes (because of family history) and thankfully I do not have it! He did however say I have low blood sugar at some point (I am not sure if this is the same test...I am terrible at remembering which is which) but he said I need to watch what…
  • All of the above!!! The only way I can describe it, is that I feel like I am walking in a dream all the time. I feel like my mind is blurry, and asleep. I have an extremely hard time focusing most of all. I also have an issue with spacing out...it is all very frustrating. He tested me for a variety of things and found that…
  • That's great, you are doing an awesome job!
  • No, my doctor is an allergist and immunologist (my family sees him as well). He is a great doctor and has helped me with many other things but I am seeing that since he doesn't specialize in this...that may be an issue. I think I need to see an endocinologist. I am not sure that I have a goiter. I do have a family history…
  • There is no reason to be bitter. Try not to take your anger out on others. I guess I should have asked for some friendly advice...which many of you have given me--and I thank you all for that. I really have put in all the effort I possibly can at this point without starving myself... so I think I will take the advice of…
  • I count my calories and eat within a range of 1300-1600.."bad" days can be 1800-2000 (I tend to gain at that level which is confusing after reading so much on calories and how much many eat to maintain. I've tried upping my calories after taking advice and this does not at all help my metabolism. I simply gain weight. I…
  • Thank you everyone! Has anyone had any success with natural supplements? Like Sea Kelp? I tried it...didn't seem to have any affect on me.
  • That is a good question. When you test your thyroid it kind of reads backwards and gets confusing. Here is the correct way to read your results: "If the TSH level is below normal, your doctor may determine that you are hyperthyroid (overactive thyroid.)" "If the TSH level is above normal, your doctor may determine that you…
  • Dang! You look great in your photo though. Good job!
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