

  • congrats. Its all about life style changes. Its all about dont put it in your mouth unless your body needs it or your willing to spend a hour in exercise taking it back off.
  • My name is Deidre.. its different.. its pronounced.. Dee Dree.. long e's. Irish, I think..Teachers in school called me Deimetree or other names their heads made up? or Deidra.. which is I believe like German... like Deidre Hall. So, most my life I just say Dee. Then as a preschool teacher they called me Miss Dee. Then it…
  • I am so proud of you. 50 lbs. Wow .. way to go.. Okay I too,.. and a little wondering how your tats moved. Yes, i see one is done in the mirror but that doesnt change the fact that one is on your right side and the other on your left. The tat on arm or neck hasnt changed. It doesnt matter. Even if it was self drawn for the…
  • Wahiawa, Hawaii-
  • Army wife, of 10 years. Married to the most amazing well put together SSG. He has served 3 tours in Iraq and looking at another deployment early summer. I love being an army wife, but its not easy. Each deployment is like child birth, the first one you dont quite know what to expect then after first, you remember oh so…