

  • I don't believe in cheat days.. cheat days can lead to seriously killing your week. However, I do believe in cheat meals. However, I typically only go over about 200-400 calories with that 1 meal for the entire day. Then, it's easy for me to divvy out the "damage" to the next couple of days (taking off ~100-200 calories…
  • I'm 25 and looking to lose another 125 lbs. It's a long journey, but I know I and everyone else can do it! Feel free to add me, I'd love to see some support on my feed too. :)
  • Hi there, I don't normally come on boards at all but your post caught my eye. Everyone falls off the horse (I know I was guilty of it last year. Such a strong start losing 30 lbs and then after falling out of habits I gained it all back.) However this time I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not going to succumb to the…