Intro_back to square one

Hello all,

After reading some of the posts I can see I am not alone. I spent 2011 eating less, eating much more nutritiously, going to boot camp, and walking to running. I lost over 60 lbs, well on my way to goal weight. Then things just began to fall apart. I began eating fast food again (and I don't even like most fast food), I was missing boot camp classes, and then my running began falling off because ARRRGGGG I started smoking again. Having gained it all back, I am sitting here, typing, laughing a little. How can we, those of us, that do all the good for our bodies, turn around and let it all go? When I watch it happening in someone else, I want to grab them, hold them, and just say 'stop, you have to stop treating yourself like garbage.' So why is it impossible for me to see it happening in myself until that moment when I can't button my pants or wear my favorite sweater? It almost seems a form of insanity.

So I didn't give myfitness much time when I originally signed up. Now I am going to use this site/apps consistently. I am not smoking (a little over 6 weeks) and ready to get back on that horse. But I am afraid...I mean I lost so much last time and gained it all back, what is to stop me from gaining it back again. But here I am, posting, setting goals, and helping myself be the person I want to be.

For myself, it's not about the weight, it's about health (ok, it's half about the weight). I come from a family of overweight smokers. I have watched so many die of smoking and/or weight related diseases. Emphysema, stroke, cancer, heart attack, diabetes, you name it, one of my family has gone through it. I recently had surgery for 3 cervical vertebral disks and I am only 46. The surgeon said that the abnormal bone growth between two of the vertebra had to have a heavy genetic component as he hadn't seen that much growth in someone my age. After the surgery, my weight went up even more as I am trapped in a neck collar (at least for another 2 weeks).

I am smiling. I won't give up, I won't give in and I will never stop trying. I would love to find some friends for support and to cry with when I back slide, support to help me through the bad times.



  • I'm definitely back for round two! Hope you are as successful as I hope to be this time. Feel free to add me! I'm great at giving encouragement, I'm always looking for motivation myself.
  • Hi there,

    I don't normally come on boards at all but your post caught my eye. Everyone falls off the horse (I know I was guilty of it last year. Such a strong start losing 30 lbs and then after falling out of habits I gained it all back.)
    However this time I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not going to succumb to the same pitfalls I had last time.

    I wish you the best and you can definitely lean on me for support if you'd like!
  • Dama3321
    Dama3321 Posts: 4
    I'm back for a second round as well! We all need an extra push sometimes! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    amazing job on your break from smoking great job weight loss journey will be tough at times but don't give up